I am fed up with the level of Food Harassment in my life. Let’s just get this straight. For those of you who have a genuine concern about my health and my continued road to recovery, thank you. I appreciate your questions, concern, and encouragement, and hope that you will continue to be supportive. For those of you who want to label and belittle me because I don’t eat like you, KNOCK IT OFF!
Let’s look at the facts. According to the American Heart Association, 134.8 million Americans are overweight. Of those, 63.1 million are obese. I am happy that I do not fall into either category. Also according to the American Heart Association, a 40 year old non smoker will cut 3.3 years of her normal life expectancy if she is over weight, and that number rises to 7.1 if she is obese. I’d like to add years to my life, not cut them because I like to eat so much! In America, the obesity rate has grown by 75% since 1992. People are getting fatter and fatter.
Our portion sizes are WAY out of control. We eat entirely too much. The USDA recommends that we eat 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-4 fruit servings, 6-9 servings of bread and grains, and 2-3 meat servings each day. It is suggested that we consume fats and sweets sparingly. Wow, that sounds like a lot of food. But it really isn’t. The way we define portion sizes and the way that the USDA defines them are totally different. For example, a half (1/2) cup of pasta is equal to one serving. A half (1/2) cup of cooked broccoli is one serving. Three-fourths (3/4) cup of fruit juice, one (1) cup of milk, and a two (2) ounce piece of meat are all equal to one serving. How much are you eating?
I will admit that if you look at my plate, it is likely that I will have far less food on it than most people. But, who ultimately gets to decide what is healthy? According to the USDA, my portion sizes are a lot closer to the recommended amount than most folks. Maybe I should start examining everyone’s plate and telling him or her that in one sitting, they have consumed all of the suggested amounts for the entire day. Then maybe I will tell them that they have an eating disorder and that they are obese. Well, that wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?
I think that you get my point. I believe that America is fat. I don’t want to be a part of that group. If someone chooses to eat more than they should or consume the wrong kinds of things that is up to them. But stop, PLEASE STOP harassing me about how much I DON’T eat, and take a look at how much you DO!
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