How do we prepare for the next life?
We live in a fallen world. It is unfortunate and it is sad, but it is just how it is. People are much more concerned with what feels good and what they can do to get ahead. As Christians, we are called to do something out of the ordinary. In our society, many folks want nothing more than to have power and control, and in turn treat people disrespectfully. Christians are called to do something uncommon. Our world spotlights having the most toys, the biggest house, and the heftiest bank account. Christ calls us to focus on something much bigger than anything this world can offer.
We need to be different. We need to let Christ’s light shine through us, instead of shining a bright light on the masses of toys that we have collected. We need to share the Good News instead of sharing how much we know about everything and how little others know. We need to be kind in all circumstances and we need to turn the other cheek, instead of choosing our friends based on who can help us get ahead in the world. We need to forgive instead of holding grudges and seeking revenge. We need to extend grace and mercy, and be willing to receive it when it is offered to us rather than pointing fingers and laying blame.
I suppose I could go on an on, but I think that I have made the point. Christians are called to be different. We need to realize that preparing ourselves for a home in Heaven someday means separating ourselves from the ways of the world today. It isn't easy, but a friend recently shared with me how changing our focus isn't quite as hard as it seems. It is as simple as this: everyday we need to pray that God will guide us and will help us to do EVERYTHING for His glory. We need to seek God's will in everything that we do. It is that simple.
"He who dies with the most toys" still dies, and it isn't likely that he will take his mountain of playthings with him. Maybe I will have bumper stickers printed that say, "He who lives his life on earth for Christ never dies."
I saw a funny bumpersticker yesterday driving back into town. In smallish-bold letters on the back window it said:
Well said, dear sister! Your insight must come from above because it touches the heart in deep ways. God bless you.
its easy to say.....doing is the hard part.
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