Saturday, December 31, 2005

Remembering 2005

It’s hard to believe that another year has passed. As we say “goodbye” to 2005 and “hello” to 2006, I can’t help but think about all that 2005 brought our way. Our nation continued to fight the war in Iraq, there were NO weapons of mass destruction, and Saddam Hussein was finally forced to stand before a judge. Our world was struck with earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes that left imprints of destruction in our hearts and minds, which will likely last a lifetime. Mark McGuire refused to say one way or another if he ever used steroids, Chris Carpenter won the Cy Young Award, and Busch Stadium was destroyed after 40 wonderful seasons. Brittney Spears had a baby, Tom Cruise got engaged, and Eddie VanHalen and Valerie Bertenelli split after 26 years of marriage. Mariah Carey had the top CD for the year, and Carrie Underwood was crowned the new American Idol. Moviegoers were thrilled with the release of the next installment of Harry Potter, Star Wars Episode Three, and The Chronicles of Narnia. It was in 2005 that everyone adopted his or her own blog site, and nearly everyone bought an iPod Shuffle. In other news, Martha Stewart was released from jail, Little Kim went to jail, and Donald Trump married Melania Knuss. Many were saddened by the deaths of the Richard Pryor, Peter Jennings, Bob Denver, Luther Vandross, Johnny Carson and the head of the Catholic Church, Pope John Paul II.

Well, that is just a little piece of what happened in society. What happened in our lives?

Bekah continued to do well in school, and became even more active at church. She continued to love music and theatre, and directed her first play! She achieved her first Jr. High solo, and was picked for Solo and Ensemble 2006. She had her first experience at Bible camp, and won first place in the JHDD Bible Bowl! (HOORAY!) She talked more about boys, music and shopping, and less about toys and chores! She found out that she loves to cook, and has given some thought to opening her own restaurant someday. Her favorite TV show this year was Law and Order (just like her mom!) and her favorite song was “Heard ‘Em Say.” We asked her what she was looking forward to the most in 2006, and she said, “MMmmmm… Probably more theatre stuff!”

Jason got a new job in 2005 and couldn’t be happier! He’s pretty pleased with the corner office that came along with this position. He also became more active at church, and had a lot of “fun” with the sound system and computers at church. Jason took a side-contracting job this year with an agency that our family holds dear to our hearts and he loves this part of his ministry. Jason spent most of this year working and taking care of his family- while mommy was pretty sick! His favorite TV show this year was “Smallville” and his favorite CD is “Nickelback- All the Right Reasons.” I asked him what he was looking forward to the most in 2006, and he said, “Growing even closer to my family, all of us experiencing good health, and helping the AV ministry to grow.”

My year was unlike any I have had before. 2005 brought two major neck surgeries for me, and months of recovery. I was faced with the reality that I am not Wonder Woman, and sported a PICC Line for 13 weeks. I became more involved with worship and music ministry, and learned how to build a church web site from home! I learned a lot about depending on others and even more about depending on God. I was reminded this year of how precious my family is, and how blessed I am to have Jason, Bekah, Mom, and Jenn. Prayer Group became more of a focus this year, and I finally made it through the Bible reading schedule. I learned that there is virtually nothing on daytime TV and what a blessing it is to be able to work. This year brought a lot of growth to friendships, and I learned that true friends are an amazing gift from God. I was blessed this year to take a trip to Vermont, and to take a trip to Memphis with a great friend to see other great friends! My favorite TV show this year was “Law and Order” (followed closely by the Apprentice and American Idol), and my favorite song was “All of Me” by Selah. As I look forward to the New Year, I pray for good health, and look forward to growing faith, family, friendships, and fun!

Well that is what happened to us this year! What happened in your life?

Friday, December 30, 2005

Blog Make-Over

My blog had a make-over in honor of the New Year! What do ya think?

12 Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2006

12. Listen More; Talk Less
(This one is so hard for me!)

11. Stay Out of the Hospital
(This one should be pretty easy!)

10. Remember That Not Everything is About Me!
(But some things are!)

9. Sing More
(At church, in the car, in the shower, just for fun!)

8. Give More Time to Ministry
(Particularly to Worship and Music ministries)

7. Read the Bible in Chronological Order
(Okay, RW, KG, and MR, I am counting on your help with this!)

6. Give and Receive Forgiveness More Freely
(This is another one that is hard for me…but I am getting better!)

5. Share the love of Christ with as many as possible.
(By example, not by “preaching.”)

4. Go on More Dates!
(Of course with Jason…. What were you thinking?)

3. Continue spending lots of quality time with Bekah!
(Singing, shopping, playing, praying, talking, and of course goofing off!)

2. Show my love and dedication for friends and family more openly!
(Get ready for more hugs… and maybe more cards!)

And the number one thing I hope to accomplish in 2006 is:

1. Live my life everyday for the glory and honor of God.
(And seek His guidance in all that I do!)

What about you? What do you hope to accomplish in 2006?

Thursday, December 29, 2005

The Strength of a Man

Someone sent me this poem in an email yesterday, and I wanted to share it with you. It speaks for itself; no commentary is needed. I will just say that I am thankful for the strength that I find in my best friend, and hubby, Jason.

The Strength of a Man

The strength of a man isn't seen in the width of his shoulders.
It's seen in the width of his arms that encircle and protect you.

The strength of a man isn't in the deep tone of his voice.
It is in the gentle words he whispers.

The strength of a man isn't in the words he speaks.
It's in how he keeps his word.

The strength of a man isn't how many buddies he has.
It's how good a buddy he is with his children.

The strength of a man isn't in how respected he is at work.
It's in how he is respected at home.

The strength of a man isn't in how hard he hits.
It's in how tender he touches.

The strength of a man isn't in how many women he's loved.
It's in whether he can be true to the ONE woman he's trying to love.

The strength of a man isn't in the weight he can lift.
It's in the burdens he can carry.

The strength of a man isn't in how much food he eats from your table.
It's in the effort he puts forth when you are unable.

A strong man puts God first, . . . family second . . . and his work third.

--Author unknown

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

After two previous strike outs in the neck surgeon’s office, I was redeemed with an out of the park homerun today! I asked the question for the 3rd time, and was finally told, “Yes!” That’s right; on January 3, 2006 I will be officially released to go back to work (as tolerated)!
Let me tell ya- I can’t wait!
Praise God for healing.

I hate to admit it, but Doc was right. It was a good idea to take my time to heal. I feel much better than I have since before my first surgery. I know that this time I have been fixed for good! It just feels like it has been a really long 3 months. The suggested recovery period will officially end on Saturday, so I will be able to return to my post immediately after the holiday.
(Have I mentioned how happy that makes me?)

So, many of you have asked, “what next?” Well, I won’t fully be released for a complete 5 years (sigh) and I found out this morning that I will likely need a bit of physical therapy that was not foreseen, but it isn’t a big deal. The good news is that I get to return to my normal life.
(As if my life has ever been normal!)

Thank you all for your prayers, and ongoing concern.
To God be the glory-
great things He has done!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

America Speaks Out!

The original post has been deleted by the author.

Tuesday Morning Prayers

Due to a variety of circumstances, Tuesday morning prayer group didn’t meet. BUMMER! It is defiantly one of the high-points in my week, and I always look forward to it. Well, just because we didn’t meet this morning, doesn’t mean that I can’t join my heart in prayer with my fellow pray-ers even though we aren’t together.

For BS, I pray that God will bless you in a special way today. I pray that He will heal you, and that He will take your pain away. I pray that He will guide you and comfort you today as you deal with clients in a very demanding profession. I pray that He will offer you comfort and peace, and that He will provide you with respite when needed. I am thankful to the Father for you, and for the example you are to many. I am thankful for your friendship.

For RW, I pray that God will protect you today, and that He extend an extra measure of strength and patience to you. I pray that you will find peace in the understanding that you find in knowing that your work brings Him glory and honor. I pray that you will be blessed with rest and relaxation, and that you will be filled with the joy that only the Father can offer. I am thankful for your gentle spirit, your kind servant heart, and of course for your friendship!

For MR, I pray that God will take you in His arms today and protect you from the evils of the world. I pray that He will fill you with His wisdom as you provide guidance to so many. I pray that He will offer you comfort and hope as you help to deal with the uncomfortable and the things that seem to be hopeless. I pray that He will guide you today as you walk with Him, and that He will bless your journey. I pray that He will fill your heart with joy and peace. I am thankful for your friendship, your example, and your desire to help me to become a more godly woman.

For JK, I pray for healing. I pray that God will take away your medical condition and that He will heal you quickly and completely. I pray that He will fill you with His spirit, and that you will find peace in Him. I pray that you will find comfort in His arms and that you will look to Him in all things. I am thankful to the Father for you and your desire to serve the kingdom. I am also thankful for our friendship.

For DC, I pray that God will bring you back to us safely. I pray that you will be filled with the love that we can only find in Him, and with the peace that passes all understanding. I pray that you will feel His presence in all that you do today. I am thankful for your amazing example of being a prayer warrior, and for your friendship.

For DG & KG, I love you both, and pray God’s blessing on you this day. I pray that He will protect you and that He will grant you health and happiness. I am so thankful for our friendship, and for the example you continue to be, even in your absence.

For us all, I pray that we will have open ears and open eyes to what the Lord puts before us today. I pray that we will have the strength and the courage to do whatever He sets before us. I pray that we will serve with tender hearts and smiles on our faces, and in the end, give all glory and honor to Him.

I love you all.

Monday, December 26, 2005

The Producers

Bekah and I both love theatre, and we especially love musicals. When we heard that THE PRODUCERS was making its debut on the big screen, we knew that we had to see it. Today, she and I ventured out, and saw the movie. The Broadway production of "The Producers," won a record setting 12 Tony Awards. That is INCREDIBLE. The movie version is based on the same book and lyrics, has many of the same cast members, and is directed by the same director. Since the Broadway play had won so many awards, we expected great things. Well, the movie didn’t deliver great things. In fact, the movie didn’t even deliver mediocre things. In addition to second-rate acting, singing and dancing, there were a lot of controversial remarks about sexuality, heritage, and race. It was really quite bad.

Within minutes of the beginning of the show, folks started leaving the theatre. By the end of the show, I would say approximately one-third of the audience had made an early departure. Bekah yawned through the majority of the show, and I kept checking my cell-phone for the proper time. (How much longer could this possibly go on?) To be honest, we would have left (even though wasting the price of the ticket would have bothered me), but Daddy was next door seeing King Kong (which apparently was amazingly good).

So, Bekah and I give "The Producers" 4 thumbs down, and if we had more to turn down, we would. Don’t waste your money on this one- you’ll be disappointed!

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas 2005 Comes to a Close

The sun has set on Christmas 2005. It was a great day. We started the day bright and early (6 a.m. to be exact) and were excited to find a dusting of snow on this Christmas morning. Hooray- a white Christmas…well at least for a little while. Bekah was so excited as she climbed out of bed to see what “Santa” had brought for her. No, of course she doesn’t still believe, but it is fun to pretend anyway. Would you believe that she still insists on putting cookies out for Jolly Old Saint Nick? After we opened our gifts from each other, Santa, Grandma & Grandpa Harbison, and Lisa and Keith, we headed to church.

We were very excited to worship this morning with 279 of our brothers and sisters. We were shocked that so many were in attendance, and we were thankful. We were especially grateful to see the Christmas pirate and his family. They have been through so much this year. God is good. I felt a little something special as I sang with the Praise Team songs about the birth of our Lord. It was a beautiful service with beautiful music, beautiful prayers, and a beautiful message. I was blessed to be there.

Then it was off to my mom’s house for another round. It was good to be with Jen and Drew again…we’ve been missing them lately. It was also good to see my sister, and to see how she is doing these days. There were way too many presents, way too much food, and not nearly enough talk about the real meaning of Christmas. But overall it was good. It was sad, but good, to recall past Christmas’ at Grandma and PaPa’s house, and to reminisce about other Christmas memories. Several other family members came by, and it was good to see them.

As the day came to a close, I was happy to jump back in our car and head for home! (Oh, There’s no place like home for the holidays….) Now Bekah is dressed in her kimono (sent all the way from Japan) playing with her new MP3 player, and Jason is playing with one of his new “toys.” I am writing, and thinking about how thankful I am for another blessed Christmas.

God gave us a beautiful gift, and today, December 25, the world celebrates that gift. I pray that you had a joyous holiday and that your family was blessed and remembered the true meaning of Christmas. I just have one more thing to say before I fall over from sheer exhaustion: Merry Christmas to all…and to all a good night!

Merry Christmas From Our Home to Yours!

We give you greetings at this time
Of this holy holiday,
And pray the loving Father, God,
To guide you on your way.
May His sweet presence overspread;
The year, His goodness bless.
In His mercy, grant you good health,
Wealth and much happiness.
God has helped us day by day,
Supplied our ev’ry need,
So may He all your wants supply,
And your petitions heed.
Let’s recall the scripture story,
Telling of God’s great love,
Then our happy celebrations
Will be blessed from above.
Though the world this feast may keep
And Christmas carols sing,
May we remember this day is
The birthday of our King!

-Lilly Thomas

Saturday, December 24, 2005

3rd and Final Christmas Eve Blog

This Christmas Eve, it seems the stars
Shine with a special glow.
I hear the brush of angel wings
Above the powered snow.
There is a sacred stillness
Surrounding all the earth,
A strange excitement heralding
The night of Jesus’ birth.
This is the time of wonder,
Gigantic in its scope,
When once again this tired old world
Is filled with peace and hope.
O Holy night, God grant us grace
To turn our lives around,
To radiate the wondrous love
That each of us has found
Who gather at the manger,
With hearts that do believe,
That Heaven came to earth for us
One blessed Christmas Eve.

--Grace Easley

Christmas Eve.... Blog #2

I am dreaming of a white Christmas...
(and it is looking like my wish just might come true!)

Merry Christmas!

Chistmas Eve

C- Celebrate Christ!
H- Honor His Name!
R- Rejoice in His Love!
I- Invite Him into Your Heart!
S- Sing His Praises!
T- Thank God for His Gift!
M- Make a Joyful Noise!
A- Adore the King!
S- Share your Joy!

E- Enjoy the Hope Found in Him!
V- Venerate the New Born King!
E- Express Your Love for Him!

Friday, December 23, 2005

My Favorite Christmas Song...This Year

Since I was a little girl, it seems that every year I select one Christmas song that becomes my favorite for the Christmas Season. I usually play it over and over, learn at least the alto and tenor parts, and then make up a few harmonies of my own. I play it louder than I probably should, and my family and friends usually get sick of hearing it. Sorry!

This year, my favorite Christmas song is by Steven Curtis Chapman, and it is called “Christmas is All in the Heart.” I’d like to share it with you:

In a one bedroom apartment on the humble side of town
There stands a little Christmas tree, looks a lot like Charlie Brown’s,
And underneath there’s one little gift for him and one little gift for her.
After six months on the new job, they’re still barely getting by,
So in the way of decorations, there’s nothing there to catch your eye;
But both of them would be the first to say:
We’re together, we’re gonna have the merriest Christmas anyway.

‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart, that’s where the feeling starts,
And like a fire inside, it touches every part,
‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart,
And even if no white snow falls, that’s all right (okay) because
The joy can still be found, wherever you are,
‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart.

Two little blonde haired boys with big dreams, tried to sleep but sleep wouldn’t come;
We’d be tearing into presents, long before the break of dawn,
With Mom and Dad and cameras making sure we’d never forget that day.
Now I’m the one who’s taking pictures, in the middle of the night,
Of my own blonde headed dreamers that just can’t wait until daylight,
And in my sleeps eyes the spark still glows;
Well I guess there’s just some things a kid never outgrows.

‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart, that’s where the feeling starts,
And like a fire inside, it touches every part,
‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart,
And even if no white snow falls, that’s all right (okay) because
The joy can still be found, wherever you are,
‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart.

No, it’s not in the snow that may or may not fall,
And it’s not in the gifts around the tree;
It’s in the love heaven gave, the night our Savior came,
And that same love can still be found wherever you are,
‘Cause Christmas is all in the heart - It’s all in the heart.

I suppose I could offer commentary on why I love this song, but I think Steven Curtis Chapman says everything that needs to be said in his lyrics.

Merry Christmas friends…you are in my heart.

Thursday, December 22, 2005

Joy to the World!

Joy to the world, the Lord has come! What wonderful news! Yesterday my good friend, Brad posted a response to my blog, and his response reminded me once again of the joy that Christ brings to the world. His response is also the reason for this blog today. This is what he said:

"May the Lord who gave us His son bless your life with the knowledge that His love is not tied to a season! God is good all the time!"

Christmas is the time of year that our society celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. It is a wonderful and beautiful thing. Other than the celebration of the resurrection of Christ, which we call Easter, there is no other day of the year that comes close to putting so much attention on Christ and Christianity. I am thankful for these world recognized celebrations of Christ.

At the same time, Brad has a really good point. God is good all the time, and His love is not tied to a season. It is the world that ties Him to December 25th. Brad’s comment suggests that we focus on Him everyday. I think he is right. The gift of His Son to the world won’t be any less important on December 26, or July 5, or February 22 as it is on Christmas Day.

Friends, we have been given the ultimate gift. We have been given a Savior, Christ the Lord. He is the best gift ever given. His love is never-ending. His mercy and grace are limitless. He is the reason we have hope. He is the reason we have salvation. He is the cause of all that is good, and all that brings joy. He is the ultimate teacher and friend. He is the ultimate giver of peace. Why do we limit celebrating Him to one or two days a year?

I’d like to thank Brad for the reminder. He is right. God’s love is not tied to a season. It is my prayer today that we will all recognize the gift of Christ regardless of what the date is.

Joy to the World…everyday.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Christmas Thoughts

I decided that I was going to blog about Christmas today; it is just on my heart and mind. I looked on-line and tried to find a heart-warming poem, or a story that someone else had written to share with you today. You see, I don’t feel much into the Christmas spirit this year, but I still wanted to share good Christmas thoughts and wishes with you. But I just couldn’t find any within myself, so I tried to find someone else’s words to share. I was not successful, and I don’t think my inability was by accident. I think God changed my heart today.

If you are reading this blog, chances are you know me, and probably know me well. You may already know that Christmas is a very hard time of year for me for a number of reasons. It really doesn’t matter why Christmas makes me feel uncomfortable, or what it makes me think about, or that it reminds me of loved ones that have departed from this earth. What matters is that God sent an amazing gift just over 2000 years ago; that is what needs to be the focus. I often get angry when I see so much emphasis put on Santa and shopping. I whole-heartedly believe that Jesus is the reason for this season, and it makes me a little bit unhappy when people fail to see that. Today I had an epiphany of sorts. It dawned on me that it is just as wrong for me to focus on my pain that is stirred around this time of year as it is for people to turn the season into a Santa affair. In both situations, the focus is wrong.

A baby was born to save the world. If I had been the only one who needed this gift, He still would have sent His Son through a virgin girl. Praise be to God! This gift is better than anything that this world can afford. It can’t be bought, bartered for, or even earned. God gave me Jesus Christ! The gift of Him, the one and only Savior, is the ONLY reason for this season. No pain or loss should ever over power that fact.

I am praying for full healing of a broken heart. I am praying that God will bless my life and my journey so that I will focus on Him, and remember that Christmas is all about the greatest gift ever given.

I am praying for a blessing for you this Christmas too and I am praying that you will remember a baby boy wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger waiting to rescue you from a sinful world. I am praying that we all can see that Jesus is the reason for the season, and the bottom line is…nothing else really matters.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005


Yes, I know that it is weird…but it is really fun to say: Happy Christmahanawanzadon. This is a universal holiday greeting at our daughter’s middle school, and encompasses good wishes for Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa and Ramadan. Yes, I am being serious. I didn’t believe it at first either. But it is true.

I think that more than any other time of year, the “holiday season” reminds us that there are a lot of different beliefs out there. I am not here to judge. If you choose to celebrate Hanukah, that is great for you! If you celebrate Kwanzaa, I hope that you enjoy it. If you choose to fast for a month and celebrate Ramadan, then it is my prayer that you will find peace and joy in that. If you choose to celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ, I pray that you will be blessed and that you glorify God in all that you do in the name of Christmas.

I think that it is SO important to respect the beliefs of others. Faith, and the celebration of faith is a very personal thing. It is a choice. We may not agree with one’s choice, and there certainly isn’t anything wrong with sharing why we don’t agree, but when the rubber meets the road, we all need to be respectful of others. Mmmm…in an effort to be respectful, I wonder if I could add Diwali to Chrismahanawanzadon?

As for me and the rest of the Harbison House…. we will say Merry Christmas! (Even though Happy Chrismahanawanzadon is much more fun to say!)

Two More Weeks to Go!

Almost a year ago, our minister challenged each of the members at McKnight Road to read the Bible through this year. He handed out a schedule of reading that was brought to him by A.J. and Jimmy. One of his purposes in handing out the schedule was to encourage more dialogue among members about their own person study. I think that it was successful.

We are now 50 weeks into the process, and I wonder how many folks are still following the plan. I know of a few who are still doing it, as I have had conversations with them about particular readings. I have tried really hard to stay caught up. I will admit that it has been extremely difficult. After having surgery in January, (which left me unable to lift my arms up, or tilt my head down) and then repeating the same surgery in October (which left me with the same limitations), I fell way behind! I mean WAY behind.

On Sunday I read 3 John. Guess what? That was the scheduled reading for the day! Hooray! I am finally caught up with only 2 weeks to go! Lord willing, I think I am going to make it!

How are you doing on your daily Bible reading? What is your plan for next year?

Sunday, December 18, 2005

I Don't Have to Understand...But I'd Like to...

Over the course of the last week, I have been involved in a very troubling situation. I won’t go into the details, I will just say that another person and I didn’t quite see eye to eye. I never really viewed it as needing to get “my way” or even that my way was the "right way." When it came right down to it, I didn’t really care what the outcome was; I only cared about the process by which the outcome was reached.

The drama of this whole thing went on for several days, and several people got involved. I was confused, and wanted to understand the process of how decisions were being made and carried out. I just wanted to understand. I asked a lot of questions seeking clarity. I tried to look at things through different eyes. I prayed and asked for God’s guidance. But when push came to shove, I got angry, and I allowed that anger to alter the person that I am, and the person that I am trying to become.

Once again, let me say, I just wanted to understand. I fully believe that understanding why a problem happens, or what the rules are in certain situations are the keys to avoiding future episodes of similar drama. As much as I tried, I just didn’t get it. I just didn’t understand. My frustration level grew and grew. My frustration grew into anger. I said things that I wished that I hadn’t. I hurt people that I love. I was not honorable to God, and I was not honorable to myself.

I have apologized for my behavior, and I have prayed for forgiveness from God. I know that I am forgiven. I learned an important lesson in this situation. I don’t have to understand, and I don’t have to agree with decisions made by others. Even if my toes get stepped on, and I wind up hurt, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is that I continue to do what I believe to be the right thing…even when I believe that others aren’t.

Saturday, December 17, 2005

Remembering Mark

This picture was taken at Grandma and Grandpa's house on Christmas day, 1972. My sister Jacki was about to turn 6, my brother had just turned 4, and I was 2 1/2. But this blog isn't about Christmas 1972. It is about my brother Mark.

My brother, Mark Douglas Colombo was born on October 4, 1968 and died 11 years ago today, December 17, 1994. It was about 7 a.m. on a Saturday morning when my phone rang to tell me that he was gone. Mark was in a one-vehicle accident. He died at the scene at about 6:15 in the morning as a result of blunt head trauma. We later found out that his blood alcohol level alone was enough to kill him. We were told that he died instantly, which we have always been thankful for.

Mark and I were never really what I would call close, but I think about him often, and miss him a great deal. He never had the opportunity to experience many of the joys of life. He was never married, never became a father, and only got to know our sweet Bekah for the first 18 months of her life.

Mark made a lot of bad choices in his life, the last of which was driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol. But he wasn’t a bad man. He loved and was loved by many. I am often saddened by the thought that Bekah doesn’t remember him at all, and she will never have the joy of knowing her Uncle Mark.

As I remember my brother today, I am reminded of two very important lessons. First, NEVER drink and drive, no matter how much or little you have consumed. And second, no one knows the day that his or her life will come to an end, so we all need to live everyday like it is our last and make sure people know that we love and care for them.

I love and miss my brother very much. Merry Christmas Mark; I know this was your favorite time of year.

Friday, December 16, 2005

He Who Dies With the Most Toys

I recently saw a bumper sticker that said, “He who dies with the most toys wins.” What matters the most in life is not how many toys you have or what kind of car you drive. Nor does it matter how much money you make or how much power and control you have over others. What truly matters in this life is how you prepare for the next.

How do we prepare for the next life?

We live in a fallen world. It is unfortunate and it is sad, but it is just how it is. People are much more concerned with what feels good and what they can do to get ahead. As Christians, we are called to do something out of the ordinary. In our society, many folks want nothing more than to have power and control, and in turn treat people disrespectfully. Christians are called to do something uncommon. Our world spotlights having the most toys, the biggest house, and the heftiest bank account. Christ calls us to focus on something much bigger than anything this world can offer.

We need to be different. We need to let Christ’s light shine through us, instead of shining a bright light on the masses of toys that we have collected. We need to share the Good News instead of sharing how much we know about everything and how little others know. We need to be kind in all circumstances and we need to turn the other cheek, instead of choosing our friends based on who can help us get ahead in the world. We need to forgive instead of holding grudges and seeking revenge. We need to extend grace and mercy, and be willing to receive it when it is offered to us rather than pointing fingers and laying blame.

I suppose I could go on an on, but I think that I have made the point. Christians are called to be different. We need to realize that preparing ourselves for a home in Heaven someday means separating ourselves from the ways of the world today. It isn't easy, but a friend recently shared with me how changing our focus isn't quite as hard as it seems. It is as simple as this: everyday we need to pray that God will guide us and will help us to do EVERYTHING for His glory. We need to seek God's will in everything that we do. It is that simple.

"He who dies with the most toys" still dies, and it isn't likely that he will take his mountain of playthings with him. Maybe I will have bumper stickers printed that say, "He who lives his life on earth for Christ never dies."

By the way...

The cast list was posted for Really Rosie today. This won't come as a huge surprise, but the girl cast as Rosie is an 8th grader. Congratulations to Kelley. Bekah was cast as one of the other leads. She will play the role of Johnny's mom. Congratulations Bekah- let HIS light shine. We love you and are proud of you.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Fed up With Food Harassment

I am fed up with the level of Food Harassment in my life. Let’s just get this straight. For those of you who have a genuine concern about my health and my continued road to recovery, thank you. I appreciate your questions, concern, and encouragement, and hope that you will continue to be supportive. For those of you who want to label and belittle me because I don’t eat like you, KNOCK IT OFF!

Let’s look at the facts. According to the American Heart Association, 134.8 million Americans are overweight. Of those, 63.1 million are obese. I am happy that I do not fall into either category. Also according to the American Heart Association, a 40 year old non smoker will cut 3.3 years of her normal life expectancy if she is over weight, and that number rises to 7.1 if she is obese. I’d like to add years to my life, not cut them because I like to eat so much! In America, the obesity rate has grown by 75% since 1992. People are getting fatter and fatter.

Our portion sizes are WAY out of control. We eat entirely too much. The USDA recommends that we eat 3-5 servings of vegetables, 2-4 fruit servings, 6-9 servings of bread and grains, and 2-3 meat servings each day. It is suggested that we consume fats and sweets sparingly. Wow, that sounds like a lot of food. But it really isn’t. The way we define portion sizes and the way that the USDA defines them are totally different. For example, a half (1/2) cup of pasta is equal to one serving. A half (1/2) cup of cooked broccoli is one serving. Three-fourths (3/4) cup of fruit juice, one (1) cup of milk, and a two (2) ounce piece of meat are all equal to one serving. How much are you eating?

I will admit that if you look at my plate, it is likely that I will have far less food on it than most people. But, who ultimately gets to decide what is healthy? According to the USDA, my portion sizes are a lot closer to the recommended amount than most folks. Maybe I should start examining everyone’s plate and telling him or her that in one sitting, they have consumed all of the suggested amounts for the entire day. Then maybe I will tell them that they have an eating disorder and that they are obese. Well, that wouldn’t be very nice, now would it?

I think that you get my point. I believe that America is fat. I don’t want to be a part of that group. If someone chooses to eat more than they should or consume the wrong kinds of things that is up to them. But stop, PLEASE STOP harassing me about how much I DON’T eat, and take a look at how much you DO!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


The question was asked, and the answer came back as a definite, “No!” That makes it two times that I have asked, and two times that I have been told, “No!” I must admit I am somewhat frustrated with the rationale behind my surgeon’s desire for me to take just a few more weeks off. I feel great, really, I do. Now, don’t start telling me that I am known for overdoing, and not resting and not taking care of myself. I have heard that lecture 263 times in the past 7 months. I KNOW! But this time is different…I promised him that I would take it easy and that I would rest if I got tired. He didn’t buy it. (Does that surprise anyone?) He almost sounded parental as he said, “Did you hear me when I said that I want you to take the full recovery time?” Why does he always get his way?

I’ll be honest; his refusal to sign the release creates a moral dilemma for me. I feel really good. I feel good enough to go to the mall, attend church, hang out with friends, go to parties, volunteer at CFS, and pretty much lead my normal life. I still have a few problems with lifting, bending, and stretching, but that will come in time. So anyway, it makes me feel very strange to take part in most of my normal activities, but not go to work. It feels wrong, and I hate it. I think that if I am well enough to go to the mall, I am well enough to go to work. But what do I know?

So, I have struck out twice. I will be praying that when I see him again at the end of December that he give me his blessing (and signature on the release) to go back to work. Please keep this situation in your prayers, and pray that I don’t go stir crazy before he releases me!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


I couldn't help sharing this one! BRAD- does Santa have any chance of being aquitted? Will Christmas be ruined because Santa will be behind bars?
Props to Robin for sharing this...
I laughed so hard that I was crying. HO! HO! HO!

Monday, December 12, 2005

FIRST CORINTHIANS 13-Christmas Version

First Corinthians 13- Paraphrased
Christmas Version
Author Unknown

If I decorate my house perfectly with plaid bows, strands of twinkling lights and shiny balls, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another decorator.

If I slave away in the kitchen, baking dozens of Christmas cookies, preparing gourmet meals and arranging a beautifully adorned table at mealtime, but do not show love to my family, I'm just another cook.

If I work at the soup kitchen, carol in the nursing home and give all that I have to charity, but do not show love to my family, It profits me nothing.

If I trim the spruce with shimmering angels and crocheted snowflakes, attend a myriad of holiday parties and sing in the choir's cantata, but do not focus on Christ, I have missed the point.

Love stops the cooking to hug the child. Love sets aside the decorating to kiss the husband. Love is kind, though harried and tired. Love doesn't envy another's home that has coordinated Christmas china and table linens. Love doesn't yell at the kids to get out of the way, but is thankful they are there to be in the way. Love doesn't give only to those who are able to give in return, but rejoices in giving to those who can't. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails. Video games will break, pearl necklaces will be lost, golf clubs will rust...But giving the gift of love will endure.

You can give without loving, but you cannot love without giving.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

More Sunday Funnies

Well, he isn't Mike, Doug, or Jimmy, but I guess he will do in a pinch!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The Haupt Family Does It Again!

We received our Haupt Christmas CD today and all we can say is WOW! There aren’t too many families out there with so much talent. As the Haupt family celebrates their twentieth Christmas recording, they treat us to twelve holiday songs to fill our hearts and homes this season. My personal favorite is Becky singing “O Holy Night” although I really like “Mary Did You Know?” too. Steve’s rendition of “Mr. Grinch” is pretty terrific but to be completely honest, Spencer is the star on this CD. It is hard to pick just one favorite. The whole thing is fabulous…well except “Jingle Bells” which gets a little bit crazy!

Congratulations to the Haupt, Reijgers, and Kelley families! Thank you for sharing your talent with us again this year. We are thankful for you all!
Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 09, 2005

A Star is Born!

Last night Wiley and the Harryman closed after 6 shows. As the curtain closed for the last time, Jason and I were so proud as Bekah was recognized and honored as the student director of the show. She did a great job, and the Drama teacher and head director of the show shared her thoughts with us, "Bekah has been the perfect assistant. She is the most responsible child I have ever met!" Wow. Jason and I beamed with pride. It didn't stop there. The kids who made up the cast stopped to congratulate her for a job well done. How could 2 parents be anymore proud and thankful at the same time? We have been blessed with a terrific kid!

We were not even out of the building before Bekah was talking about "Really Rosie" which is the upcoming musical that she will be trying out for next week. It is very exciting to see her love for the theatre and her passion for music. She wants to be part of it all. It doesn’t matter if she is building the set, learning how to run the lights and sound, doing make-up and costumes, or dancing and singing on stage; she loves it all.

As we journeyed home (through the ice and snow) Bekah shared her sadness with us. She said, "I am just so sad that it is over; it was an awesome thing to be a part of." We asked her what she thought was the best part of being involved with this show and she said it was that she was able to develop closer relationships with people. She went on to say that it solidified the concept in her mind that it is important to put others before herself, and to compliment someone before offering a criticism. I think we all can use a reminder of that from time to time!

The curtain has closed on this show...but I am sure that another will open before too long.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Wal-Mart or Target?

In my opinion, this is a no brainer. I am a Target girl. I think the workers are friendlier, the stores are MUCH cleaner and organized, and the prices in many cases are better. To be honest I avoid Wal-Mart at all cost because I usually leave there frustrated by the poor attitude which workers so joyously try to share with me. There are not enough happy little yellow smiley face stickers in the world to cover up poor service.

In recent days, my opinions of Wal-Mart have declined even further due to a television commercial. The commercial encourages Christmas shoppers to avoid Wal-Mart because apparently they continue to break child labor laws, are discriminatory towards women, and refuse to provide health care for over 600,000 employees and their families. The advertisement against the multi-billion dollar company succeeds at getting the viewer to think twice before walking into a Wal-Mart store.

So, how about you? Do you prefer Wal-Mart or Target? Will the release of the information about child labor laws, discrimination, and refusal of health care change your decision to give your money to Wal-Mart?

OH NO! Does this mean that I shouldn’t give my money to SAM’S since they are owned and operated by the same people? (This could be a problem.)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005


In the past several weeks, I have had a number of conversations with friends and family about the upcoming Christmas holiday. Within the churches of Christ there is a debate about whether or not Christmas is actually the day that Christ was born. Furthermore, there is debate about whether or not it is okay to celebrate December 25th as His birth if we can’t absolutely prove the actual date that He was born. Now, I don’t mean to be insensitive, but who cares?

It doesn’t matter what day He was born. What matters is that He was born, and that His birth was part of a beautifully laid plan that ultimately would provide a fallen world with hope. Isn’t that the point? Maybe He was born in December; maybe it was April or September. Does it really matter?

December 25th is one of just a few days a year that our society stops and recognizes Jesus Christ. We see nativity scenes and hear voices singing, “Joy to the Word- the Lord Has Come.” We see churches filled with worshippers, and hear prayers offered. Our communities provide Christmas dinner for the homeless, and churches and businesses adopt underprivileged families. Christmas brings out the best in people, and I think we should encourage, rather than discourage the holiday.

I am not a Bible scholar, and I don’t know if Jesus was born on December 25th or not. My guess is that it is unlikely. However, any day that the world wants to celebrate the birth of Christ is a victory for Christianity and should be celebrated.

I have heard ministers in the churches of Christ say that it is a sin to celebrate Christmas. I think it is a sin not to.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005


Since the beginning of time, bad things have happened. At the very moment that Adam and Eve gave into temptation in the Garden, and went directly against what God had commanded, we were all sentenced to live in a fallen world. Sin is everywhere and we are all guilty. The good news for Christians is that Christ paid the ultimate price for our sin, and endured God’s wrath to its fullest extent so we wouldn’t have to. Jesus died for us, and because of His sacrifice we have the forgiveness, mercy and grace of our Father. Praise God!

In spite of our personal gift of unmerited favor, our society teaches, “An eye for an eye.” Even though forgiveness and mercy are given to us so freely, we tend to focus on revenge, anger and even hate. Why? I’ll admit that it is much easier to be angry than it is to find forgiveness within our selves. After all, someone has hurt me; I have a right to hold a grudge. Is that the attitude that we want others to have toward us when we sin against them? Is that the attitude that we want God to have when we sin against Him? We must learn to forgive because it is what God expects of us, and because it is what is best for us personally.

When we refuse to forgive someone, we choose to harbor anger and hate in our hearts. There is no way that this can be good for us. When we reject the idea of forgiving someone (even if they haven’t sought our forgiveness), we are causing ourselves harm. We never learn to let go of the incident that requires forgiveness, and it starts assimilating itself into our daily lives and other relationships. Before we realize it, the old incident rears it’s ugly head, and we start focusing on what happened long ago, instead of what is happening now. It becomes a cancer that starts to eat away at us. If we know that making the choice not to forgive will hurt us, why would we choose that path? Are we not making the choice to re-injure our selves by allowing a past event to have control over us now?

Forgiveness is powerful, and it is very hard to do because it seems to go against our human nature. It is frightening because it opens the door to disturbing feelings that require agonizing soul-searching. Forgiveness is a choice that cannot be forced. But by clinging to the past, we scarcely exist in the present.

I am not saying that we should relinquish our desire for justice; justice will ultimately be served. I am saying that we need to consciously decide in our hearts to release ourselves from our disturbing emotional attachments that we have with those who have caused us harm. If we choose not to do that, we choose to continue to inflict upon ourselves (and upon others) the pain that we experienced in the first place.

When we learn to forgive for ourselves, we unleash the power of forgiveness, which frees us from the venomous influence of anger and hatred, and that, in turn, increases our capacity to love others. It takes no extra strength to forgive, only courage. The energy that we use to hold onto resentment is the same amount of energy it takes to release it.

Forgiveness is not something we do for other people-we do it for ourselves to get well and move on!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Where to Turn?

Life is hard. I doubt that anyone will argue that. We all experience pain and loss. We all have stress at work, stress in interpersonal relationships, and even stress at church. Some have major health issues, a haunting past, or difficulties with accomplishing the simplest of tasks. We fight to find more time in a day to do more, be more, and get more. We all have limits, and many of us are unable, or unwilling to enforce the limits that we do have. We are stressed out, worn out, and fed up. So, what can we do?

We are generally quick to pick up the phone and call a friend to seek wisdom and guidance. Most of us usually find a friend or two to share with. We talk about how difficult things are. We vent. Why is that we are so quick to pick up the phone, but sometimes we have to be reminded to get on our knees?

Scripture teaches that we should cast all our anxieties on Him. It also teaches that God will never forsake us or leave us. It teaches that He can make a way out for us, when it seems that there isn’t hope at all. Scripture teaches that all things are possible for those who are in Him. It tells us that God cares for us. It tells us that we should bring everything before our Lord in prayer. So, why is it so difficult to take our problems to the Father more freely?

I am not saying that talking with a friend is a bad thing; in fact, I think that it is a great thing. God sends us people to bless our lives, and we should not only utilize that gift, we need to remember to be thankful for it. I am simply saying that we have a protector, advocate, friend, and all-powerful Father who wants us to look to Him and depend on Him. He cares for us. Do we trust Him enough to share our struggles and concerns with the ONE who can help us the most?

This week, I have challenged myself to pray more, and vent less. Will you join me?

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Saturday, December 03, 2005

It was in fact WICKED!

If you tried to get tickets to the sold out run of WICKED at the Fabulous Fox Theatre and were unsuccessful; you missed an amazing show. As Wizard of Oz fans packed the theatre, we had no idea what was waiting for us in the Emerald City. This play depicts the lives of the Wicked Witch (Elphaba) and The Good Witch (Glinda). We learn about their friendships, heartaches, and passions. Most importantly we learn that people are not always what they seem to be. I am not going to outline the story for you…you need to somehow find tickets for this one and see it for yourself. You wont regret spending the money or the effort to get tickets.

The music in this show is fabulous. In fact, in my opinion, the woman who plays Elphaba on this tour, Stephanie Block, puts the Broadway witch to shame. Her talent is best showcased in “Defying Gravity” and “No Good Deed.” The power in her voice is not overshadowed by her beautiful tone and fantastic acting ability. She was great, and was definitely the star of the show. Glinda (Kendra Kaussenbaum) is also quite talented, and shows off her style and ability in “Popular” and “Thank Goodness.” The two witches join efforts in more than a few songs including “For Good” and “What is This Feeling?” Both actresses are absolutely fabulous and nearly left me awe struck more than once.

The show has lots of surprises (which is why I won’t outline the story for you). It also has lots of little one-liners that connect WICKED back to “THE WIZARD OF OZ.” It was very exciting and kept the audience drawn in for the complete two and half hour show. The setting, costumes and make-up were exceptional, as were the lighting effects and the orchestra. There was nothing mediocre about this show; it was awesome in its entirety. It will make your laugh and it may even make your cry. It will defiantly make your view of the Land of Oz and all of its characters change forever.

In case you are wondering how I really feel about it (as if I haven’t made it abundantly clear), I LOVED IT and highly recommend it for everyone! You won’t regret this return trip to the Emerald City.

The 12 Days of Christmas- the Harbison Way

As we were watching “The Happiest Elf” last night, we were talking about our favorite things about Christmas. So, we decided to come up with our “Top 12.” (Feel free to sing along to the tune of The 12 Days of Christmas!) As a side note, this picture was taken of Bekah on Christmas 1995- she was 2 1/2. Here are our favorites. What are yours?

12 (million) lights a glowing

11 Green Bean Casseroles (just for Bekah)

10 Christmas Carols

9 Pounds of Fudge

8 Christmas Presents

7 Turtle Cheesecakes (do I look fat in these pants?)

6 Christmas Specials

5 Bazillion Friends (give or take a few!)

4 Christmas Parties

3 Family Members (plus a few special elves)

2 Christmas Parades

1 Baby Jesus for me! (and you, and you, and you...)

Friday, December 02, 2005

Why Must We Judge?

He committed adultery. She murdered her neighbor. He beats his wife. She lost her kids after the police arrested her for methamphetamine use. These people are HORRIBLE people…..…and they are just like us. The Bible says that we all sin and fall short of the glory of God. We are ALL sinners, so why is it that we are so quick to judge? Our society puts a ranking on sin, our God does not. It may be murder, or it may be a lie. It may be adultery, or it may be the way we talk to a friend when we are angry. Obviously the consequences are different, and they should be. But a sin is a sin no matter how “big” or “small” we may think that it is.

As Christians, we are called to be Christ-like. How would Christ treat the drug addict? How would He treat the wife beater, or the murderer? Look at how he treated the adulteress woman. How would our world be different if we all adopted the “he who is without sin cast the first stone” attitude? When we recognize that we are all sinners, and we take away the “sin rating system” that our culture has adopted, the fact still remains: WE ALL NEED FORGIVENESS AND GRACE. I believe whole-heartedly that when we treat people with respect and grace (regardless of the sin in their life), they are able to see Jesus through us. It may be that if just ONE person shows love in spite of what “the sinner” has, or hasn’t done, their entire life could change for the better.

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that we should condone crimes. I just think that we need to remember that a crime as defined by our government is a bad thing, but so is a crime (sin), as defined by God. We want God and others to look at us with mercy, grace and forgiveness. We need to be willing to do the same.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

The True Definition of Insanity

Jason and I were talking with a friend the other night, and the friend asked, "What is the definition of insanity?" We weren't really sure if he was looking for a textbook definition, or if wanted a personal example to tell how we defined insanity. He didn't give us too much time to think about it. He went on to explain that the true definition of insanity is the expectation that one could achieve different results in a particular situation without doing anything different to get the desired result. Okay, I know that sounded a little confusing. Stay with me. Another friend of ours always says, "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you're gonna keep on gettin' what you always got." Now, even though that sentence doesn't even come close to being grammatically correct, it makes the point a little more clearly. It is INSANE to think that we can keep on doing the same things over and over and somehow expect that our result will ever change.

Change is hard for us all. But think about it. Do any of us have a perfect life? Of course not. Are we always happy with the direction that we are headed in, or the decisions that we have made? Always? No, of course not. I think that it is human nature to expect things to work out the way that we want them to, and to be upset when they don't. But, what responsibility do we personally need to take when things don't go our way?

Let’s face it; if we have a leaky faucet, we try to fix it. If we can’t fix it, we may ask a friend for help. If they are unsuccessful, we call a plumber and shovel out the big bucks to get it fixed. What if when we couldn’t fix it ourselves, we walked around and complained about having a leaky faucet, but refused to do anything about it? What if everyday we got out of bed and tried to fix the faucet over and over again in the exact same way that we had tried in the many days before? WE ALREADY KNOW THAT IT WON’T WORK, but somehow we expect a different result. That is not only foolish, it is insanity.

I think that the same principle applies to everything we do in life. EVERYTHING! If we are not getting the desired result in a particular situation, we need to change what we are doing. We can always do something different. I am not saying that we shouldn't be true to ourselves, or that we should be willing to do whatever it takes to get what we want. What I am saying is that if we desire a different outcome, we have to do something different. We may need to change our perception. We may need to change the way we speak to others, or how we hear when others speak to us. We may need admit that we don't know everything about everything and learn something new. Although it is really hard, we may have to accept and acknowledge that we may have been wrong, and our worldview may even need to change.

Life is hard, but God is good. I am so thankful that He gives us more chances than I can count to do something different to achieve a different result when a different result is needed. For today I am going to try to stop the insanity in my life, and I hope that you will join me. LET’S DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT AND STOP THE CRAZY INSANITY!