Today was a beautiful day in St. Louis. Jason and I both worked and the girls were of course in school, so we didn't have much time to be outside. I thought this cartoon was cute, and summed up how I felt today, sitting behind my desk working on budgets.

I am still loving my job. I think one the things that I like the most is that it actually takes brain power. Today, I can honestly say that my brain was tired! It is a great feeling to do something that requires some level of intellect and be able to accomplish it by the deadline! It was difficult, but the budgets for 4 out of 5 of my branches are complete! I had no idea how hard it was to manage that much money! It may have been easier if it had been 46 degrees and raining outside. It was necessary to concentrate on the budgets, and all I wanted to do was go outside and walk through the leaves, enjoy the sunshine, and be reminded of how awesome God is by looking at His beautiful creation. Oh well...maybe it will be nice this weekend!?
Were you able to enjoy the beautiful day today?
I wonder if there is a I will check it out and let you know.
I agree it was a great day and I got to enjoy the day while walking from one building to the other. I know how you feel when you get to use your brain at feels good and like you accomplish something. And then there are days like I will have tomorrow; long and possibly boring. I have a 2 hour staff meeting for Student Development in the morning and then in the afternoon I have another 2 hour ITS staff meeting. Fun!
I cracked up when that link worked! ha! Glad you are enjoying your job so much! You deserve something that makes you happy!! :)
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