I cannot believe how many people are not planning on heading to the poles tomorrow! Several people that I have talked to today said that they don't plan to vote because their vote won't make the outcome swing one way or the other. I wonder how many people are out there saying that?
Will you vote tomorrow? What is the most important issue to you on tomorrow's ballot?
I am voting tomorrow and these are the issues that are important to me.
U.S. Senator
Talent, Jim REP
McCaskill, Claire DEM
Gilmour, Frank LIB
Lewis, Lydia PRG
Constitutional Amendment 2
This amendment will allow Missouri patients and researchers access to any method of stem cell research, therapies and cures permitted under federal law. It also will set limits on any stem cell research, therapies and cures, including banning human cloning or attempted cloning. Violators will be subject to criminal and civil penalites.
Constitutional Amendment 3
This amendment creates a fund which will be used only to pay for programs to prevent and reduce tobacco use and to provide healthcare to low-income Missourians and Medicaid recipients, and to cover administrative costs. These programs will be funded by imposing a tax of 4 cents per cigarette and 20 percent on all other tobacco products.
Constitutional Amendment 6
This amendment will create a tax exemption for real and personal property that is used or held for nonprofit purposes or activities of veterans’ organizations.
Proposition B
This amendment will increase the state minimum wage to $6.50 per hour or to the federal minimum wage rate if that rate is higher. Thereafter, the state minimum wage will be adjusted every year based on changes in the Consumer Price Index.
Vote 3rd party whenever possible--
2 parties = No choice
Vote AGAINST politics as usual!
3q... you have a pretty strong opinon about politics; it is almost as strong as about religion. Are you against everything that asks you to take a definitive stand?
I am voting tomorrow in my state. I am VERY pleased to see that Missouri having a proposition to raise the minimum wage. I don't know why we can't get that done on a federal basis but at least some states are doing something about it. My state, not a chance, too much in the pocket of businesses, but thankfully there are some that care about the working poor. I am grateful that I am a professional who gets paid pretty well and I don't have to worry about the whims of politicians.
Lets get out and vote tomorrow for whomever meets our needs.
Anonymous said...
"3q... you have a pretty strong opinon about politics; it is almost as strong as about religion. Are you against everything that asks you to take a definitive stand?"
Actually anon, taking a stand against the staus quo IS pretty definitive.
I am not afraid to take a definitive stand, but i think there is a certain amount of common sense in realizing that the world is not a black and white place, and that absolutism is a dangerous thing. rigid ideologies, whether religious or political, usually overlook, diminish, and even oppress the needs of individuals, and that becomes counter-productive to the well being of people.
WE do not all fit into tidy little boxes, and absolutism tries to reduce people to that.
So, here is my definitive stand:
People are valuable and absolutism reduces people into sets of definitions rather than accepting them for the magnificence that we are as individuals.
Remember, God sees us as individuals, not as constituents.
By the time I voted, I felt informed. #2 was the issue I paid most attention to. On the local level, I wanted to cast my vote for Rick Stream for State Rep. He is a neighbor and a good Christian man.
I will not miss the ad's on TV, or the prerecorded phonecalls from Claire McCaskill's mom.
3q- I would caution you about speaking against absolutism because you have made it clear that you hold to very absolute ideas in regards to many things. Take for example institutionalized religion, strong legal boundaries, and the churches of Christ. How can it be that absolutism is okay for you and not others? Doesn't your absolutism try to force people into the compartments that YOU think that they should fit into?
go back and re-read--make sure you are quoting me. . .
I am NOT against the c of C, organized (or even institutionalized) religion, etc--
I am, however, very vocal about what I think the dangers of certain philosophies, ideologies, and teachings (just as you are).
What I am also against, is the belief, is the idea that since we do not agree, we are in opposition.
This is the difference. . . absolutism rejects people, thoughts, ideas, etc because they are unfamiliar or different. it is an absolutist way of thinking that reads the comments I make and draws battle lines. I think it is also worth noting how many times kudos and engouragement has been given to the author of this blog, and the church environment that she talks about here.
Very interesting that these things are overlooked.
3q- everytime I have seen you comment here, you make harsh comments against what the writer of this blog writes about. You always question her beliefs, and what she stands for. I don't read this blog everyday, so I can't say for sure that you never say anything positive, but as far as I can see, you really like trying to stir things up and it appears that you do it just for the sake of pushing buttons. Why?
here is an example of absolutist thinking and this is why I have disdain for it. The automatic assumption that "So and So is not in agreement with me, therefore he must be oppose me"
One can prompt reflection and consideration--play "devil's advocate" so to speak, but not be harsh or aggressive towards the person that they are "challenging"--
In fact, that is a great way to describe it--"challenge" Yes, I DO try to keep people thinking and I DO try to challenge ways of thinking. . .that is where growth comes from. How valuable would these discussions be if, as is true in so many cases, everybody just agreed, patted one another on the back, and smiled and agreed? How much would we all benefit from them?
I know for me, i get alot out of these discussions, and i try to put just as much into them.
As for Conni, if at any time she thought that my comments were out of hand or inapproriate, she knows where the delete button is, and i have nothing but respect for the fact that she is strong enough and intelligent enough to either use it, or at least email me to tell me to chill out.
Thanks so much for your desire to discuss this and try to clarify thoough.
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