Tuesday, November 07, 2006

How Long?

How long did you wait in line today when you went to vote?

I went at about 8:40 and waited about 25 minutes.


Anonymous said...

i wish i was able to vote. this election was a very good one and i hope people took the time to vote. its important. and i know the people that dont vote today will be the ones who complain about political things tomorrow. i voted at school today, it was a fake election but it was still fun, and i had to wait 10 min (if this counts).

<>< Jennifer ><>

Anonymous said...

I voted. I took my three year old daughter with me. We got there about 9:30 EST and I gues we waited 10 -15 minutes. When I walked out and got my "I voted" sticker, they gave my little girl one too. She was excited.

There were about ten voting machines at my voting site, it was busy, all machines in use and a line. One of the ladies who was working the site said the site had been very steady all morning. I hope it stayed that way all day.

Guatorean Daddy said...

1.5 hours. The touchpad voting machines started to run out of paper, and the the officials weren't sure how to replace it.

Anonymous said...

2 minutes. I had the fill in the circle kind of ballot and filled in the ballot at a table vs a voting booth. If I would have waited for a voting booth - it would have been about 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...


I wanted to tell you that I appreciate your service as an election officer--

There was PHENOMENAL turnout nationwide. i think this is a sign that there are ALOT of people in our country who are VERY dissatisfied with the way things have been going.

Chris Matthews on MSNBC (our news source last night) noted how many people are VERY angry about both th Iraq war and the corruption in government. These have turned out to be MAJOR issues for alot of people. hence the swing towards the Dems.

Honestly, I think that the Democrats would do well to forsake many of the special interests that THEY have been catering to, and embrace some of the "conscience issues" in 2008. If a "pro-life" Democrat were to come about, I think they would most certainly have it in the bag, because there are a TON of people who vote solely on THAT issue. (Which I think is a shame--is war fro profit, or the support of dictators "pro-Life"? I think not)

But anyway, I am glad that things turned out like they did, not because I am partisan in any way shape or form, but because i think that our branches of government were designed to be a system of checks and balances--a system that has not effectively been in place for the last few years--it will be good to see someone in washington challenging the status quo.

Anonymous said...

We voted absentee before we left town. Voting is a responsibility and privilege. Those who do not exercise this right should not complain about issues. Thousands have given their lives to have that right. a