Monday, September 11, 2006

Definition Please

We can all pick up a dictionary and look up a word, or pop on-line to to find out what a word means. But, at the same time, we all assign some unique meanings to some words based on our world-view, religion, culture, or some other variable.

Please define GOSSIP.


Jason Harbison said...

Gossip to me is spreading rumors about someone. For example going to someone and saying "did you know what so and so did?" But it may be that I fully do not understand what gossip is.

Anonymous said...

gossip to me is sharing information with someone that you have no business sharing...if it doesnt directly relate to your life then its not for you to matter if the information is true or false...but i could be wrong...

Anonymous said...

Oh jeez, I work in a hospital, gossip runs rampant through our building. I tend to agree with Jennifer's definition, generally it is something you have heard and "share" with others, even when you have no business "sharing" that information.

Anonymous said...

Here's a test: If the person that I was sharing information ABOUT was listening in on the conversation when I share that information TO someone else-would I still be sharing that information? If the answer is no-then I'm probably gossiping.