It is hard to believe that it has been 5 years since America was attacked by terrorists. I am sure that we all remember exactly where we were, and exactly what we were doing when the news came: "Two planes have crashed into the twin towers in New York." I doubt that any of us will ever forget the sound of the reporter's voices, the chills that we felt shoot up our spines, or the tears that fell so freely from our eyes that day. 9-11 changed our lives- Forever.
Today we mark the 5 year anniversary of this horrible event, and yet I am starting to see a lot more hope and healing instead of hate and anger. I am thankful for that hope and healing, and I am thankful that we serve a God that provides us with a security that this life can never afford.
Just like many of you, I am praying for the families directly affected by the 911 tragedy, and for our country as a whole, and I am praying for unity and peace throughout the world. Our God is capable of healing the deepest wounds, and I am praying that we will all open our hearts to the healing that He offers. I am seeking God's guidance for our leaders, and praying that God will pierce the hearts of those who refuse him, and serve evil instead. I am praying that goodness will overcome evil, hate will become absent, and brotherly love will become the norm in our world.
May God bless each one of us as we look back today on 9-11-2001 and may He fill us with His spirit.
God bless America.
1 comment:
I was at MICDS and my wife called me and told me and I couldn't believe it. I then told my boss and we hooked up the cable tv to watch the news and then we got it hooked up online so that the teachers could watch the news. I do pray for our men and women over seas and for all the families and victims of 9/11. I pray that God protects them and puts his comforting hand over them. I also pray for peace and for the leaders of the world.
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