...or should I say crazy Mrs. Trenkler, from the Legand of Sleepy Hollow. I would have never guessed in a million years that Bekah would want me to post this picture out here on the world wide web, but she told me that the picture represents her current theatre character well. So, we chose to use it. (Obviously it is not the best picture of her in the world!)
Anyway, Bekah is in yet another play. In fact, she is actually in 2 plays at the current moment, but has been ask to kindly choose between the 2. She is already involved with about a zillion things- 2 plays is a little much for anyone, much less a 13 year old who makes family, school, church, music AND theatre all priorities.
So, she wasn't too thrilled with the idea of having to choose, but in the end, "The Legand of Sleepy Hollow" won over "George M." I was glad that she chose the school production over the community theatre production this time.
For all of Bekah's theatre fans, we will keep you posted on production dates, and will let you know when tickets go on sale!
Break a leg Bekah-Boo, we love you and are proud of you!
Hooray. . I am sure you will do GREAT!!!!
Congratulations Bekah. Please let us know when you will have performances. We will try to be there. And Conni - your office looks great - much better than when we saw it. a
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