Tomorrow is another audition day for Bekah. She has her song selected, her jazz shoes ready, and her acting resume is polished and ready to go! Now, all she has to decide on is a picture for the director. She can't decide which one she likes best, so we thought it would be fun to put them out here and let the whole blogging world vote.

Please tell us which picture you like best!

I think they are all good pictures. She is beautiful. I cant believe how much she has changed since you came to McKnight. She has grown up so much! If I had to pick one out of the 3 pictures, I would pick #3.
I absolutely love picture #1. That is by far my favorite. She has grown into a beautiful young woman. I wish her the best with her audition.
I love picture one : ) She is a good looking kid, but I am a little biased : )
I don't know. .they are ALL beautiful, I would say for #2 or #3. God luck on the audition. Hope all is well with ya!
Well, I guess since Jason posted his opinion, I will post mine too.
I love picture #1.
#3...#3...#3...#3...#3...#3...yea i pick #3!!!
Either 1 or 3 - both are beautiful - but Bekah is a beautful young lady. She has blossomed so much in the past year. Good Luck Bekah. a
#1 is a great picture - but then again, Bekah is a great kid. Really all of them are wonderful.
#3! It's always best to let them see you smiling and show off that great personality! They're all great though! :)
Factoring in the fact that my wife says I have no taste, I like picture number 2! Although, they are all good. I like the green background and Bekah's expression.
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