When my grandmother died, she left her extensive coin collection to her grandchildren. It has taken almost 2 full years to go through them all and divide them between the 10 of us. It was a lot of work, and it was very emotional for me. It was really cool to remember all of the times that Grandma and I sat at the kitchen table filling coin books. Those are good memories for me.
Well, anyway, after lots of sorting and cataloging, it was time to take some of the coins to the coin dealer to find out what they were worth. The dealer opened all of the coins and made offers. We saved the sets for last, thinking that they may be worth more. The time came for

It was announced to us that we had a 1909 S VDB penny in our book. He offered us 450.00 for it! Can you imagine? $450.00 for ONE penny? There were several other pennies of great worth in our book. They ranged in price from about $4.00- to $450.00. We sold the penny book for $700.00. Wow, who knew that pennies could be worth so much?
I wanted to share my exciting news with you all! I was also going to share with you about our 1916 D Mercury Dime, but I didn't want to bore you too much.
So friends, clean out your car, look under the cushions of the couch, and in all your pockets. The loose change that you find may be worth a lot more than you think,... and if it isn't, you can always send it to CFS for the Timothy Campaign! (It is never too late!)
Long before I married, I gave a man I was dating this penny for Christmas one year. It was worth about $75.00 then. I had not thought about that penny in years. a
One of old Ed's favorite pearls
That is SOOO cool! I shall look through my cushion seats this evening! :)
i was pretty excited when the man told us how much it was worth!...i didnt know what to say...i just laughed! i wonder if grandma knew how much some of this stuff would be worth...i miss her...love ya lots...
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