We are so excited. We have waited a LONG time for Jennifer to become a permenant and legal part of our family. Finally, it has happened.
Jen started at Ladue High School last Friday and is adjusting well. She and Bekah are closer than ever before, and have even opted to share a room! They are great friends, and even though they are cousins, they are more like sisters. YOU SHOULD HEAR THEM ARGUE! :)
I could go on and on about both of our girls, but I think that I will just say how much we love them and how proud we are of them both!

They are a couple of great kids, and we are blessed to have them both! God is so good!
As you can see, they are a couple of crazy girls- but we wouldn't have them any other way.
I am glad that God has answered our prayers. I am so blessed to have Bekah and Jennifer in my life. I love you both : )
...im stealing these pics and putting one of them on myspace...love ya!
wow... i didnt realize I was THAT much taller than jennifer
Hooray. . .how wonderful. . .i know that this is what you have wanted for a long long time!!!
Congrats. . .I can't think of anything better for the whole family!!
Congratulations. I guess you had better update your profile on the front of your blog.
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