Friday, June 30, 2006
This just in...
So, it is NOT a done deal…but it seems like it is getting closer! Please keep praying for me!
Thursday, June 29, 2006
I know you- Or do I?
You are the girl who we can count on. You are the one who serves in the community and never expects anything in return. You are happily married and you have an amazing relationship with all 6 of your children. You are known as a pillar of strength and courage and posses a great level of self confidence. I know you- or do I?
You are the man who hides in his office all day. You are the one that is cold and cruel. You are stressed out and angry. You are judgmental and hurtful. You are the man that everyone knows as power hungry; you are the one that has no problem gossiping or slandering someone else if it helps you to get ahead. I know you- or do I?
You are the teenager that is drug addicted. You are the one that is sleeping around in the community, and your grades are less than average. You are the one who parents cringe about when they find out that their children are hanging out with you. You are upset and believe that the world is unfair. I know you- or do I?
With every passing day, I am more and more convinced that we think that we know people that in actuality we really don’t know at all. We make assumptions about people, and we listen to what others have to say about people instead of finding out for ourselves.
Why? Is it because we are too busy to take the time to get to know people? Maybe it is because it is easier to hear and believe gossip than to invest in relationships? Or maybe it is because we need someone to direct our own frustrations and disgruntled feelings towards.
I can’t help but think about the woman caught in adultery that we read about in the Bible. The people knew that she was caught in her sin, and wanted to follow the law and stone her to death. Jesus wanted people to see her for more than the sin that she committed. Jesus cared about the person. We can learn many lessons from this particular part of Scripture, but what I am reminded of today is that Jesus wanted people to see that she really wasn’t any different than anyone else standing there. We are all sinners and need God’s grace. I think that if we just took the time to get to know people, (especially our brothers and sisters in Christ), that we would find that the people that we think that we know, and that we think that we don’t like, are really very similar to us.
When we open our eyes and our hearts and we try to be more Christ-like, we start to see things differently.
You are the girl that we can always count on, and you are tired, and need to count on someone else, instead of being counted on. I am sorry; I didn’t know you after all. I assumed that you were fine. I am sorry that I didn’t take the time to come to you.
You are the man who hides in his office all day, and you are having major problems at home, and you are hiding in your office to maintain the boundaries required between work and home life. You are angry and stressed, and you need to vent, but you are the “boss” so you don’t think that you can. I am sorry that I couldn’t see that. I thought that you were just being a jerk. I am sorry that I didn’t take the time to get to know you.
You are the teenager who is drug addicted and sleeping around. What? You aren’t? In fact, you have never even taken a single drink or smoked a single cigarette, and you are committed to saving yourself to marriage? Oh, I am terribly sorry. I believed the gossip that I heard about you, and didn’t take the time to come to you.
I know this is a long blog, and I am sorry if it seems like I am going on and on. It has just been on my heart a lot lately that we are missing something that Jesus wants us to understand. Those people who we think that we know, we very well may not know at all.
While the above people and situations are completely made up, we all know of people and situations just like these in our own lives. We all can do better getting to know people as they truly are, and I am committed to doing just that.
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Random pictures from last weekend

Here is the talk of the town...well at least the current talk of McKnight Road. This picture shows David and Vicki Bearden chatting with McKnight members Frank and Cindy L. In the forefront of the picture is Elizabeth M. who will be having her baby next Monday!"Gracie- what are you doing?" "I AM MAKING A MESS!" She is so cute, and was willing to share her food and her smile with just about everyone at the luncheon after church!
Matthew was pretty excited to have his picture taken before the question and answer session with the David and Vicki. Matthew is so precious!
Lucy wasn't shy about having her picture taken at the luncheon either. I think she would have preferred to be watching the Wiggles, but she took the time out for one quick picture.Jason and Bekah always have a great time together. This picture was taken right before yet another play practice. Bekah is having a blast at the play. I have been a little envious, as I had to drop out... but she is having a lot of fun, making lots of great friends, and learning a lot.
So, that pretty much covers last weekend. I really liked David and Vicki a lot and was very pleased with his views and opinions. He is a man of God who I believe could do great things in the body at McKnight. What did you think?
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Are You Legally Insane?
I failed the test, and am therefore and considered legally insane.
Back to Blogging!
Contrary to popular belief, I have not fallen off of the face of the earth! I know that many of you are used to reading a new post at least every couple of days, and I haven’t blogged for almost a week! GASP!
Well, I am back now, and will try to catch up about all of the wonderful things that have been happening in my life lately. It may take a few days for me to bring you all up to speed, but I will see what I can do.
One of the biggest things going on in my life right now is my pursuit of a new job! I had a fabulous job interview last Thursday with a great company. I am hoping that it is the job that God has hand picked for me. It looks really, REALLY good, and I will find out later this week if I got it! Please pray for me! It appears to be a job that will allow me to use the skills that God has given me in management, creativity, organization, and writing (among other things). It is also Christian based, close to home, and will allow me to continue going to prayer group on Tuesday mornings, which I really had hoped and prayed for!
I was a little apprehensive about posting about a job that I don’t have yet, because I thought I might be embarrassed if I don’t get it, but I decided that I wanted to share the possibility with you so you could be praying for me too! If I don’t get this job, God certainly has something else in mind for me.
Since my departure as the church secretary, I have never been so convinced that God sometimes uses difficult situations to strengthen our faith in Him, and to help us bring Him more glory and honor. I am SO thankful that things played out like they did because the strength of God’s hand was, and continues to be so evident. God is good all the time.
Well, anyway, I better close for now, there are many things (and people) demanding my attention!
I am glad to be back among the blogging world!
Oh, by the way…. Brad…it has almost been a week since you blogged! It is time to catch up! It’s not like you have been busy doing anything else! ; )
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I am BAD- are you?
While shopping at a local Wal-Mart, I spotted a man with an acronym on his shirt that had B.A.D. Me, being curious, I stopped the man and asked, "What does B.A.D. stand for?" Trust me; you'll be amazed at what his response was.
He replied B.A.D. stands for: "Blessed And Delivered."
That thought stuck with me as I finished doing my shopping that day. So I came up with a little advice for you today.
* When the enemy tries to attack you, be B.A.D.
* When things don't seem to be going right on your job, be B.A.D
* When things are not looking good in your marriage, be B.A.D.
* When folks scandalize your name, just be B.A.D.
Get with somebody you know that you can be B.A.D. with!!!!
May God Bless You And Have A B.A.D. Day
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Change is Good
Change is good. It isn't always easy, but it is good. I have come to the conclusion that any time a person does something differently that great things can happen if we allow God to work in our lives.
As many of you know, there are great changes happening in my life. I know most of you are thinking that the big change is with my job (which would be true), but I am amazed at how God has used my job experience to help me grow, and help me to have a change of heart about so many things in my life. It isn't odd how things work sometimes?
Hopefully, we are experiencing personal growth in our lives. Hopefully we are all changing...even if only a little bit at a time. I hope and pray that each one of us can see the value of change in our lives, and that we will give God the glory for the wonderful things that happen when we allow Him to work in our lives.
I seek your prayers as SO MUCH change is happening in my life right now; sometimes I feel like I am caught in a tornado, but I am enjoying the ride!
Do you think most people are afraid of change, or excited about it?
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Employment and Blogs
I recently heard a story on NBC’s Today Show about a man who wrote something on his personal blog, on his personal time, expressing his personal views, and he was fired by his employer for doing so. I was very disturbed by the report and I started thinking about how much control employers have over their employees.
How much control should an employer have over an employee’s personal life? Should an employer be able to dictate how an employee acts outside of working hours? Should an employer be able to prescribe morality, opinion, speech or action of an employee?
The man in the above referenced case is currently suing his former employer for Wrongful Termination. Should he win? What should the consequence for the employer be (if any)?
I’d love to hear your thoughts.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Small Group!
When I count my blessings, I count this group of friends twice! This is our small group. We meet together on Sunday nights for a time of worship, fellowship, food and fun! Mike and Deanie are wonderful hosts each week to our group and they do a great job leading our discussion, songs, and prayers.

Tonight we had a going away party for Eric and Courtney. They are getting married and moving to Atlanta soon. We will miss them very much, but wish them all the best as they start their new lives together. I feel blessed that they have been part of our group!
Happy Father's Day!
Father's Day used to be really hard for me. Since I didn't have a decent relationship (at all) with my father, I used to spend Father's Day moping around, feeling sorry for myself that I didn't have a cool dad, like so many of my friends had. I was jealous, I guess.
Now, here it is, years later...and Father's Day is one of my favortie holidays, and it is mainly because of this man:

Jason is the best dad in the world. Bekah is so blessed to have him, and I am so blessed to see what a good father and daughter relationship is supposed to look like. Sure, there are times where Bekah is mad because of rules or chores, but the truth is, she is a daddy's girl. Jason and Bekah love spending time together and having fun doing things that I might catergorize as a bit silly! I love to watch them and see how well they interact and how much they love each other. Bekah is a great kid, and Jason is a fantastic daddy- (although he sometimes slips her extra cash that I am not supposed to know about or allows her to have ice cream an hour before dinner!) Happy Father's Day Jason!
In addition to being able to celebrate with Jason on this special day, there are a few other men that I think of on Father's Day. Over the course of the last10 years, God has blessed me with men who have stepped up to the plate and have taught me many of the things that I missed out on by not having a dad of my own. I am so thankful for them and their willingness to "parent" me in many ways. While there have been several good men who have taught me a lot, there are two in particular that I remember and am especially thankful for on Father's Day. (I am sure that both would prefer that I don't mention their names here, so I won't, but they know who they who is too far away to hug today and give a Father's Day wish to, and one I would send a card to, but he seems to think that I send too many cards...but I might be able to offer a Father's Day hug later today!)
So, anyway, Happy Father's Day to Jason, 2 special men in my life, and all of the other dads out there!
Friday, June 16, 2006
Surprise for Jodi!
The count down to Paul and Jodi's big day is quickly coming to a close. She has had several bridal showers, but last night we threw her yet one more! It was a surprise party- she thought she was coming to do a foster parent home study! It was VERY hard to pull off, but she was surprised! Due to the "personal" nature of the shower, I will limit the details and pictures!
The picture above is of Jodi and her sister and matron of honor, Melissa. They were excited for the shower to begin and to get another taste of my famous enchiladas and Robin's famous Ding Dong cake. (We also learned last night that Mary makes some seriously good pico de gio!)

Left to right: Cathy, Thelma, Robin and Sue (aka SUE SUE)
Just like always, a great time was had by all! I feel so blessed to have such good friends and sisters in Christ. Life is wonderful when you have so many people around you that you love!
Here in St. Louis, the current temperature is 95 degrees (according to Hello? Now, I realize that St. Louis is not exactly known for its cool summers, but it is only the middle of June for crying out loud! How hot is going to be in August? Jennifer and I sat in the sun for a bit today- (Sunshine does good things for your mood ya know!). Here is a picture that I took from the back deck.

We didn't stay out long- it is just too hot! So who else thinks that it is too early in the season for this heat? If you are not in St. Louis, what is the temperature where you are?
Now...back to the air conditioning and my ice cold diet coke!
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Bashing on this Blog
For the few of you out there in Blogger world who like to bash me or those who make comments on this blog, YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. If you have something productive to say, then say it. If you want to challenge an idea, thought or belief, then do it- but do it respectfully. If you are not at a place in your life where you can do that, please move on.
May God bless each and every one of us as we go about doing HIS work and business.
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
The interview went really well, they liked me, and I liked them. But to make a long story short, I am not interested in the position after all. There is way too much redundancy and not nearly enough brain stimulation for my tastes. On top of all of that, there is no room for me to be creative or use some of the other gifts that God has given me. So, even though it was a good experience and I enjoyed meeting some pretty cool people, I won't be accepting this position if it is offered to me!
Thanks for your continued prayers!
Monday, June 12, 2006
Answered Prayer and Prayer Request
Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot sit around and do nothing. I despise not being busy. So, while it has only been 1 week since my employment with the church ended, I am going crazy already! I am doing a bit of volunteer work here and there, so that is a good thing, and keeps me somewhat occupied, but it is time to find a job!
So, I sent some resumes out, and I have two interviews set up for this week! So, I am seeking your prayers. I received a couple of calls today for possibilities, and I have an interview tomorrow and one on Thursday. I am excited about the opportunities God is putting before me, and seek wisdom and patience as I start interviewing and selecting my new (and exciting) career path.
GOD ROCKS and I am so thankful to Him for providing me with the skills and talents to be able to do a wide variety of things, and I am also thankful for His clear answers to my prayers about my work situation! I will keep you posted!
Thanks for your prayers!
Sunday, June 11, 2006
The Promise
My mom took me to Branson for our weekend get away. Anyone who likes music can find a show in Branson that they will like. We took in 2 shows while we were there, and I anticipate writing about both, but for tonight, I am just going to focus on my favorite of the two, "The Promise."
As you may have guessed by the title or by the pictures, "The Promise" is a musical, Broadway style production that tells the amazing story of Jesus Christ. The show starts with the birth of Christ and follows the amazing events of Jesus' life. This amazing cast does a wonderful job of sharing the miracles, joy, grace, compassion, and sacrifice of our Lord. I would recommend this show to anyone, although the crucifixion scene was very difficult to watch for me (as an adult), so I am not sure about how it may affect kids. Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the show.

Here is a picture of "Jesus" as a 30 year old man giving honor and praise to His Father.
This is one of my favorite ways to think of Jesus- surrounded by children, showing His love and sharing His stories.
Jesus offers compassion to the woman caught in adultery and touches her with His grace and mercy, and tells the crowd, "He who is without sin cast the first stone" and then tells the woman to "Go- and sin no more."
After being crucified, and in the grave for 3 days, Jesus Christ walks out of the tomb, just as He said He would. The theatre had been silent for some time up until this point. But when Jesus came out of the tomb, the crowd stood on their feet. Some were applauding, some crying, and some raising their hands toward Heaven. It was AWESOME; it gave me chills then, and it gives me chills now to think about it again.
Needless to say, I loved the show. It was VERY well done, and although I am not a Bible scholar, it seemed pretty true to Scripture. They even baptized by immersion! I was surprised to see that, as every time I have seen baptism on stage it has been by sprinkling. I think every Christian should see this show, and I think that every person who needs a reminder of the true love and grace of our God should take the time to see "The Promise" in Branson, Missouri.
Has anyone else seen this show or heard about it?
Jason was a great sport, and encouraged the get-away. He did a great job with the girls, the house, and even got my oil changed for me! (Thanks Honey!)
I will be posting pictures from our trip in the next day or two (I know, you can hardly wait!)
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Question for friends at McKnight
It was a great day for me. I was somewhat apprehensive about the trip to church tonight after all that has happened there in the last few days...but my church family was supportive, encouraging and very kind to me tonight. Thank you again!
Here is my question for all of you tonight... Why do so many people comment to me face to face about my blog, but so few post their opinions and comments here?
(If you are not a McKnight friend, and you want to comment, feel free!)
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Thank You!
I would like to take just a minute to thank you all for your many, many, MANY, calls, comments, encouraging words, cards, and well wishes that you have offered to me over the past few days. I loved working for the McKnight Church and will miss working with you all in that capacity, but will NOT miss the 11:30 p.m. phone calls about building availabilty, the last minute bulletin requests, or the endless mounds of paper that were required for some things. I am SO EXCITED to be "just" a member at McKnight, and worship God with you every Sunday without having to "play" secretary on Sundays!
God is doing amazing things at McKnight, and I am thankful to be a part of it. He has answered my prayer in many ways about my employment with the church, and while I will miss it, I know that He has something different in mind for me. I seek your prayers as I try to figure what His plan is.
I'd like to challenge all of my readers to pray for our eldership, our deacons, our staff, our ministry leaders, and the membership of McKnight. Please pray that God will give each one of us open eyes, open ears, and open hearts to do HIS will, and that we will unite together into a body that wants nothing more than to bring Him glory and honor. Finally, please pray that God will supply us with a new minister, a new secretary, and a new bookkeeper that will help to fulfill His purpose at McKnight.
I love you all, and your encouragement and prayers mean a great deal to me.
Monday, June 05, 2006
The Verdict is in...
The phone rang this evening, and Bekah and I were informed that we both have been cast in "Way Back on Broadway" through the Marble Stage Community Theatre. We are both pretty excited! Thanks to all who encouraged us to do this together; it will be a great opporunity for us to spend quality time together doing something we love.
The above picture was taken on Saturday, just prior to auditons. Thanks to Jennifer for her photography expertise! (hehehe)
Back to Civilian Life
All things must come to an end.
For the past 3 years (almost), I have considered it an honor and a privilege to serve the Kingdom of God as the church secretary at McKnight Road. Over the course of the past few months, I have started seeking other employment for a wide variety of reasons. As of right now, I have not accepted another position, but on Sunday, my employment with the church ended. I have been honored to serve the church, and am thankful for my experiences as an employee.
For my readers who are church members, please note that my church email address will no longer be active. So, should you need to contact me, it will be best to reach me either by phone or at my home email address.
Love to all!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Part 2
A Fabulous Evening (Part 1)!
The Master Chef Ronnie.... and his pig.... A lot of people loved it.... IT GROSSED ME OUT!
One of the sweetest couples at church- Bob and Betty!
Another Great Couple... Ed and Nancy (congrats... you finally made the blog!)
The best family in the world.... Jason, me, (our pet tiki) Jenn, and Bekah!
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Another Great Wedding Shower!

Today was the shower for Erin and Jamie at church. We had a great time, and Erin was very excited and happy. It is so good to have such a wonderful church family to share such exciting times in our lives together. Here are a few pics from the day!
Here is Erin, her mom and sweet Megan. She is such a doll!
Erin is a great mom!
Friday, June 02, 2006
Still Busy.... and Tired
Alrighty...keeping with the idea of trying to blog "regularly" I will blog again today. But, please keep in mind that our friends kept us out WAY TOO LATE last a matter of fact, I think I crawled into bed at about 1 a.m. so I am a little loopy today.
We had a great time last night. The food was amazingly good. Everyone had steak except for me of course; I had chicken. It was wonderful to have a great glass of wine, great food and great company all in one evening. We don't have too many evenings like that. We were also surprised with complimentary champagne in honor of our anniversary, and it was also quite good!
I wish I had remembered my camera, but I didn't, so I can't share any pictures with you, but trust me; we had a good time.
Tomorow, the girls and I are headed to a wedding shower, and then Bekah and I are auditoning for Way Back on Broadway! It's not really that we need more things added into our schedules, but this is a wonderful opportunity for Bekah and I to spend some quality time together doing something that we both love. We will see how auditions go.
Sunday we have class and worship, a congregational meeting, and a luau. There won't be much resting on Sunday!
Well, I am going to get comfy, watch the Cardinals, and start thinking about winding down for the night...yes, I know that it is only 8:00- but after being out so late last night, I am so tired!
What are you all doing this weekend?
Thursday, June 01, 2006
A few of my readers have emailed me and asked why I haven't blogged as much this week as I do normally. Well, it has been a crazy week. I have been extremely busy at the office since Brian isn't around anymore, and my expectation is that it will only get busier now that Ellen has resigned too. That's okay though, busy days are much better than boring days. I also was very busy with the Patrick family and the preperations for the funeral and meal at McKnight. I was also priveledged to sing at the funeral. In addition to all of the work and church family business, I have been dealing with a lof of issues with my sister and her kids. Sometimes when it rains... it pours. Bekah and I have an audition that we are preparing for together, and Jason and I are trying desperately to find time to spend together. Tonight two of our good friends are taking us to dinner, and we are excited about it. Sometimes it is so nice to be away from it all and just be around other adults with similiar views and interests. We have never been to the place we are going, but if the web-site is any indication of how good it will be, we won't be disappointed. Well, either way we won't be disappointed because we will be with friends. I'll try to remember my camera and take a picture or 2 before we leave from their house.
In addition to all of the activities, I am working on some writing that I have been struggling with for a few days. For those of you who don't know, I am pretty big into journalling. I try to get things on paper so I don't feel like I have to say things out loud to some people. It is good for me, and it keeps me out of trouble sometimes, because usually no one sees what I write. So, I have been working on one peice that is really tough.
Well, I better hit the shower and iron my clothes and get myself ready before my "date" gets home from work to pick me up. I hope you all have a great evening!
Love and Blessings to all!