Monday, February 06, 2006

Switching Gears...

Several of you have contacted me privately about the recent discussion about women and the church. Thank you all for your comments and encouragement. I would like to encourage each of you to continue your study as I will continue mine. I am still looking for an elder or deacon who is willing to help me figure it all out.

On a much lighter note, I am taking a poll. Here is the question:

What was your favorite commercial during the Super Bowl?


Jenny Reijgers said...

That's an easy question to answer. I LOVED the dove commercial with all the little girls and each one had a caption about what that little girl hated about herself. The commercial is about focusing on raising the self-esteem of girls. The first time i saw it i couldn't hold back the tears.

Jason Harbison said...

I actually like a lot of them. I like the bud light one where they call the goat a streaker. I also liked the other bud light one where the young clydesdale tries to move the wagon by himself and the older clydesdale help him. You can actually see all of them at

Anonymous said...

My favorite was the Budweiser commercial with the young Clydesdale "pulling" the wagon. It is probably taken over the McDonald's "baby in the baby swing" commercial from a few years back as my all time favorite Super Bowl commercial.

hannah said...

For laughs, the streaker goat commerical I totally agree. Also the girl playing football, gets pounded, & the Fed-Ex kick the dinosaur commercial. The Dove advertisement was the most touching and "best" message for sure.