Yesterday I talked about musicians that are timeless. I commented that these individuals had talent that was head and shoulders above the rest. Today, I’d like to talk about the other side of the coin. Here is a list of musicians who I think didn’t quite measure up to the rest.
Brittney Spears
Debbie Gibson (aka Debra Gibson)
Men at Work
Kelly Osburne
The Village People
Vanilla Ice
LaToya Jackson
Who makes you want to change the radio dial?
Gloria Estefan- can't stand her music it's just awful.
Men At Work? I like them, and hope they were smart enough to sock away their excesses of fame, since we haven't seen much of them for quite awhile. If they were smart, they are "Men Who Don't Have To Work".
Milli Vanilli
The Village People
Britney Spears
The Spice Girls
Tim McGraw
Kenny Chesney
The Grateful Dead
Salt 'N Peppa
I'm sorry anonymous... did you say TIM MCGRAW? are you serious?
Let me just say that I have a general disdain for "The Bandwagon". I usually do not like musicians that are "trendy" or imitative. For example: The Rolling Stones were GREAT. . .the Animals were not so hot. The Beatles were GREAT, the Turtles were less than stellar. James Taylor and Jim Croche were spectacular, but the other countless namless singer-songwriters from the early 70's have crept into obscurity as one hit wonders. . .
I have to agree with anonymous (above) about Tim McGraw and Kenny Chesney. . .bandwagoners. . .once the pop-country trend evaporates (not soon enough for my taste)they will be nobodies again. . .while Vince Gill, Marty Stewart, Patty Loveless, Allison Krause will continue to make music with integrety and heart.
I made up my mind that Jack Johnson was just a Dave Matthews wannabe along with John Mayer and Jason Mraz, but all three are growing on me inspite of myself.
For me it is not about talent or genre (Bob Dylan can't carry a note) but about sincerity and heart.
Sorry, but Tim McGraw is nothing special. Give me someone who can sing traditional country or some real, live southern rock.
If you ever get a chance, try to catch Nsync or Backstreet Boys on some sort of live program--Backstreet boys did "VH1 Men Strike Back" a few years ago.
I don;t have alot of respect for the overproduced, staged, jumping around videos and stage shows. . .HOWEVER, their is NO denying that these are some guys who can SING and especially HARMONIZE with one another. . .I think that musicians and vocalists could learn a thing or two from these "contrived" teeny-bopper, boy bands.
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