We all have at least one thing in our lives that winds us up and keeps us going. We all have things that we love to do, or be a part of. Often we refer to this love as our “passion.” Webster defines passion as an “intense, driving, or overmastering feeling or conviction.”
While I have many things that I am passionate about, my passion for music is among those right at the top. I bet you all thought that blogging was my first love! Surprise- as much as I love writing and sharing my opinions, music is my true passion! First and foremost I love to perform and sing, but I also love to play and write.
Music has been my passion for as long as I can remember. Even as a child, I remember escaping into different genres of music, and loving all of it. I am not proud to tell you that I used to love Shawn Cassidy, Leif Garrett, and Boy George as much as I loved classic artists and composers, but I did. The incredible variety of music that I was exposed to helped to feed my passion. As an adult, my passion is mainly fed through worship and worship planning, and the occasional performance. Shawn Cassidy just doesn’t meet the need anymore! I thoroughly enjoy planning the musical part of worship, and working on special pieces. Music is a huge part of who I am.
What is your passion? What feeds it? (Let’s assume that everyone would put God, family and friends first…So tell us something that your passionate about that we don’t already know!)
I think reading would be my passion. I love to read. Another of my passions is travelling. I love going places, both the trip itself and the destination.
Again, music is a passion for me, like you. . .the creative process is so strengthening. . .
I guess that I like ANYTHING creative. . .music, cooking, sewing, drawing, writing. . .it is the passion of making something from nothing. . .
My other passion is parenting. . .i love my kids more than anything, and it is my family and my devotion to it that tempers everything else.
Good post, GREAT topic!
My passion is to know God. What I have found is that if you seek his kingdom first and love him with all your heart, mind, strength and soul that one's passion becomes eternal life. Nothing compares to a personal relationship with the Father who made us. In the process, everything else filters through that relationship. What I believe is that relationship is a catalyst that improves every other passion that a human being can experience.
My passion? I believe that Technology is my passion. Not only do I work on computers at work, church and CFS, but I run the sound at church and at several events. I record to tape and then convert to MP3. Another one of my passions are comic books and is putting together miniatures and then painting them. Painting miniatures is very relaxing to me.
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