I believe that the womb is the safest place any of us have ever been. Until this morning, I had never given any thought to how safe we once were inside of our mothers, and upon our arrival into this world, we all of a sudden became very “unsafe.” I had also never given any thought to the idea that while we are safe in the womb, we were also extremely limited in our growth.
We are not safe. That is just the nature of the world that we live in. Unfortunately, this is a fallen and sick world. Satan prowls this earth like a hungry lion, and no one, especially the Christian is safe. But, at the same time we can rest assured that no one is as protected as the Christian. Do we believe that? Do we trust God? Do we believe in His plan and ability to keep us “safe” no matter what the situation is?
We all have a choice to make. We can choose to trust God and allow Him to work in our lives and help us to grow, or we can choose not to trust God and be confined to the box that we have placed ourselves in by not allowing Him to work in our lives. Being a Christian means taking risks and doing things we don’t understand. It means being placed on the anvil and allowing God to mold and shape us. We don’t have to like it or understand it, but we do have to do what God asks us to do. It may be painful and it may not seem to make any sense, but we always must remember that as Christians, we are working on God’s timetable and on His plan for us.
God provides us with opportunities for growth, and he keeps us safe through the process. He did it for David, Peter, Daniel, Moses, and so many others; and He does it for us.
Why do you think we have such a hard time trusting Him?
Thanks Alan, for reminding me to trust in Him, no matter what the situation!
I think that a lot of it has to do with society. We are taught to do everything on our own. We are taught to pull ourselves up by our own bootstraps and to not rely on anyone. And yet how many times is he standing there saying, here lean on me, let me help you. How many times has he helped us thru the tough times?
I totally agree Jason! I think also at the same time, our culture also fosters unhealthy depndences as well. . .we get these mixed messages taht we are supposed to do it by ourselves, and that we are never good enough to do it by ourselves.
I personally have enormous faith in myself, but not necessarily so. . .i function without alot of anxiety because i DO have faith that God is going to take care of me.
When I watch my kids play, i think about how "carefree" they are. . .they just do their deal without worrying to much about ANYTHING. I try to emulate that, because I have faith that there is something bigger and stronger than I am taking care of me. . .i try to have the same confidence and assurance that my kids have in my daily life, knowing that there is a Father there who is going to pick me up if I fall down!!
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