Wednesday, November 09, 2005

They grow up so fast!

Remember when she looked like this? This picture was taken around Bekah's 1st birthday. She has changed a lot since then. Tonight she reminded us that she isn't a little kid anymore. Tonight Bekah stood on the stage at the High School and sang a solo with her choral group. Please don't ask me what she sang, because it was in FRENCH! She did a beautiful job. She seemed very nervous during the song prior, biting her lip throughout the entire song. But when it was time for her solo, she stepped forward and sang with grace and confidence. We are so proud!

She really is a cool kid, and we are so proud of her for so many reasons. She has a heart of gold, loves people, enjoys serving and helping others, and gives God all the glory in the end. Okay, well, she gives God most of the glory in the end! Now, if we could just get her to clean her room...It's hard to believe that she is 12. She is already talking about all of the important things in life: where to go to college, cute boys, and which songs to download off of iTunes!

We are truly blessed to have such an awesome kid! We just wish that she didn't have to grow up so fast!

1 comment:

Jason Harbison said...

I have to agree with my beautiful wife : ) Bekah is growing up so fast and she did such an AWESOME job! When she sang she sounded like an adult. Now isn't that a scary thought! My little girl an adult. It is very hard to image that...but I know that it is coming and I am going to have to learn to except it some time or another : (

But she is a great kid and we love her!