I also believe that talking about things always has the potential of making a difference. Take for example the blogs below titled "Thanks Oprah" or "November is National Adoption Awareness Month." It may be wishful thinking, but I like to think that someone, somewhere, will come across this blog, and a difference in a life will be made.
Don't get me wrong, I highly doubt that my opinion about the Wizard of Oz is likely to change a life, nor do I think sharing about Bekah's solo will change the world, but I do think that some pretty important stuff can be addressed here. I also think people can use the links on my blog to help make a difference. Take for instance the link to CFS. We know that a lot of good things come from there!
So to answer the question, I blog about whatever is on my heart or mind. It may be God's grace, Bekah getting ready for the ACT, a great movie, dinner with friends, a cause I am passionate about, or being married to one of the coolest people in the world. I believe that it is all important, and it all has the potential to make a difference...even if it is just in one life...MINE.
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