Tuesday, November 29, 2005

A Few Good WOMEN

Yesterday, I blogged about a “few good men.” Today it is the Ladies’ turn. While God has blessed me with a few good men, He has also blessed me with a few really good women. Once again, I won’t mention their names…these ladies know who they are.

In the last few years especially, I have developed friendships with some pretty incredible women. In the same way that a few men have taught me some important life lessons, these special women have also taught me so much by their examples.

They have taught me a lot about how to be a Godly wife and mother. I have learned a lot about compassion, tolerance, patience and forgiveness. I have been reminded of how important my attitude is and how I should always be willing to do my best. I have learned a lot about prayer, submitting fully to the Father, and serving others. I have learned when to ask questions and when to remain quiet (still working on this one in a major kind of way). I have learned a lot about letting God’s Word fill my heart and soul, and letting worship become a lifestyle, not an appointment. I think my favorite lesson that I have learned is: “God is good all the time”…..and “All the time God is good!” I have learned to accept whatever is dealt my way, and to believe that God will remain faithful no matter what. I have learned a lot about some little things in life too, like making the best pie crust in the world, where to find PROPEL on sale, piecing quilts together, and making enough food to feed a small army in a short period of time.

Even though I said this already when I was talking about the men, I am going to say it again about these special ladies. I am thankful for their encouragement, wisdom and faith. I am thankful for their honesty, challenges, and words in difficult situations. I am also thankful that they take the time to make a difference in my life through prayer, fellowship, worship and friendship.

Today I just want to offer thanks to God for blessing me with “a few good women!”

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