It really is a blessing to be married to your best friend. We had a GREAT day! Since Bekah is gone for the weekend at the youth retreat, Jason and I thought we would take advantage of the time together. We started the day by sharing thoughts over a cup of coffee (which was amazingly good-it was Chocolate Truffle flavored, which I brought back from my Vermont trip). Since I am feeling so much better, and way ahead of my healing schedule, we thought we would venture out to the mall for a change of scenery. I am not sure if I am proud of this, or ashamed for already getting sucked into the hype of the holidays, but we started our Christmas shopping!! Does anyone (other than my late grandmother) Christmas shop this early? We walked the mall, hand in hand and it was great to be out among the living again. We shared an appetizer at Chevy's and just sat and talked and enjoyed each other's company. It was so good to be able to focus on each other without hearing the sweet voices of Bekah or Jen saying, "We need more money," or "Did you see that really cute guy?" Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trade that experience either, it is just nice to have "couple time." Anyway, we finished the afternoon of shopping and headed home. We discussed the beautiful colors of the trees and the incredible words of the new song we had just been introduced to. Now we are at home, and plan to watch movies, share some popcorn, and just hang out. I know that some of you (family members who are far away) like to hear the details of our daily life, and others of you don't really care to hear all of the details. In either case, I hope that you will take this thought from this post: The people in our lives are gifts from God~ remember to appreciate the little things, like a good cup of coffee or the touch of a hand. I am so thankful that I am married to my best friend, and I wanted to share that with you today!
(The above picture was taken by a good friend at a fund raising event on September 30, 2005. Thanks Brad, you seem to be the only one who can take a half way decent picture of us!)
It was definitely a great day! It was so nice to be with Conni. We haven't really had couple time since her surgery so it was nice to go out and be a couple and share, and talk and not have to worry about anything. It is blessing to have her in my life and I thank God for her being my life everyday : )
Cameras dont' lie! You two are beautiful people.
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