Sunday, April 15, 2007

Girls' Road Trip

The girls and I took a trip to Chicago this weekend. We saw the Sears Tower, the Contemporary Art Museum, The Art Institute of Chicago, Wicked, and a million other random things! I have taken a lot of pictures, and I want to share them, but to be honest, I am just too tired tonight, but here is my favorite of the entire weekend!

I love my girls so much! I will post more pictures and comentary on the weekend as soon as I can. I am thankful that we had a great trip and that we have arrived home safely.


Jason Harbison said...

I am glad that you all are home safe and sound. I missed you : )

kaygasser said...

Connie, I am so glad you are able to take the girls to so many places to expand their "lives....Don amd I are lookinf forward to an invitation fron your and Jason to a dinner at Norton's (in Soulard....) You have really come so farrrrrrrrr.....xoxoox K