From all of us to all of you- MERRY CHRISTMAS!
From all of us to all of you- MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Have fun, be safe... we love you.
Oh yeah.... and BEHAVE!
Thanks to all who came out to support our teens!
This morning after church, there was much fun to be had by our youth group, as Bekah was surprised with a 14th birthday party with her friends! We had pizza and cake, and a great time! Here are a few pictures:
We are so blessed to be part of such a wonderful church and a wonderful group of friends. Happy Birthday Bekah- and I promise.... no more surprises! (until next year!)
This bird has more talent than a lot of people that I know! Too funny... He is SO smart!
I think I would enjoy being a graphic artist if I got to do stuff like this all day!
Congratulations Bekah-boo... we love you so much and are so proud of you!
Look out LHS... Here she comes!
We were honored that Jimmy and Amber (and "baby T") were able to join us tonight. They are wonderful friends and have been a great influence in Jenn's life over the past few years.
We asked some random guy to take a picture of our entire dinner party. (L-R) Mom, Me, Drew, Amber, Jennifer, Jimmy, Bekah, Jacki, Jason and Mike.
We had a great dinner... and a great time to be together with family!
Joey- From NSYNC
Bekah- leaving the house.
Bekah with a few friends.
Jen leaving the house.
Jen with a few friends.
My, my, they grow up so fast! We have been blessed with two beautiful girls! Oh yeah, and two very EXPENSIVE girls! Do you know how much this stuff costs? Geez… Dresses, shoes, prom ticket, limo ride, jewelry, nails, hair stuff, make-up… and on and on…. Well…. I guess you only graduate from 8th grade, and high school once! They are worth every penny!
We love you Bekah and Jen!
I will try to post pictures soon.
How about you... what are you up to these days?