Tuesday, May 29, 2007


So, after work tonight, I had a quick errand to run over in Webster Groves. I delivered an envelope that needed to be delivered, and headed home. Well, I was talking to Jennifer (who spent a good part of the day with me) and my cell phone rang. It was Jason. So, I was talking with him too, and quite frankly wasn't paying much attention. (BAD CONNI!) That's okay, someone else was paying attention for me! It was Mr. Webster Groves police officer. He was a nice man, in a nice car, who wrote me a nice ticket for going 38 in a 25. GEESH! Well, it was my own fault.
Lesson for today... If you speed and get caught you will get a ticket... if you speed and get caught and don't have your insurance card on you, you better be a sweet talker. (Which apparently I am!) But... regardless, unless you are really, really lucky, you are going to be out about 75 bucks! Bummer... I got busted!

To those who regularly drive the streets of Webster, you can thank me for making my contribution to the regular maintenance and upkeep of the roads.

(anyone who wants to make a donation to the "pay Conni's ticket fund" please email me!"

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