Here is a cast picture! Jennifer and I hung around for quite a while and watched the rehearsal. I think it is going to be a great show!
Here is a picture of Bekah with the director of the show, Greg. Greg is a super nice guy who is extremely talented and passionate about theatre. He is a great director, dancer, singer and choreographer. I think one of his greatest talents is bringing out the best in others. I know he has helped Bekah love theatre even more than she already did... if that is possible!
Last, but not least... here is a great picture that was taken tonight after we ate cake! Jennifer was so excited to be part of Bekah's theatre surprise! They fight like sisters, but they sure do love each other!
It was a great evening, and Bekah was so excited to celebrate her birthday (which is really on Sunday) with her theatre friends. After rehearsal we all went to Dennie's together. Now it is almost 1:30 a.m. and it is time for bed! We have to get our rest... tomorrow we are headed to the FOX to see Phantom of the Opera!
I do have to agree it was one the best nights of my life too! It was a total blast and to surprise Bekah
Birthday napkins, plates and forks - $5
Birthday Balloons - $6
Birthday Cake - $15
The look on Bekah's Face - Priceless
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BEKAH!!! Hope it's a great one!!!
that night was so awesome! i thought bekah was going to pass out when she walked into the room! We Pulled it off and it went so well...HAPPY B-DAY BEKAH!!! love ya!
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