Tuesday, July 04, 2006

More Birthday Surprises!

As all who read my blog already know, Sunday was Bekah's 13th birthday. We wanted to make it a very special day for her. Thirteen is a very big deal in our family. In addition to her surprise at the theatre on Friday night, she was surprised in a few other ways too!

On Saturday morning, Jason took Bekah to the park and surprised her with her promise ring. It is beautiful. As a matter of fact, it looks almost exactly like my wedding band. We chose that particular ring because we wanted her to be reminded of our committment to each other, to her, and to God every time she looks at it.

Then on Saturday afternoon, we went to see The Phantom of the Opera at the Fox. She loved it! Grandma also surprised us with tickes to Les Miserables in a few weeks, which will also be at the Fox. Then it was off for a weekend get-a-way.

On Sunday morning, Bekah opened her birthday gifts, which of course included the long desired JAZZ SHOES! She was very, very, excited! Then we were off for a day of fun and craziness at Silver Dollar City!

The picture above is of the girls having fun in a Silver Dollar City coffin...

This picture is of Jen and me on the Powder Keg Roller Coaster. HELLO? WHAT WAS I THINKING? Just because the doctor said it was okay to ride the coasters again, that didn't mean that I had to do it. I guess I am crazy after all!

When we made it back to the hotel, we surprised Bekah with another cake, and everyone in the lobby sang Happy Birthday to her! She was so surprised! Then we shared cake with several friends in the hotel, and went to bed!

On Monday, we took the girls to see THE PROMISE and it was just as good as it was the first time that I saw it. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS SHOW!

We came home this afternoon, and everyone is beat! We are so glad that Bekah had a great birthday. WE LOVE YOU BEKAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH!! branson was so fun...the roller coaster was really fun...sorry aunt Conni! I know Bekah had a wonderful b-day, one that she will always remember! It was such a fun time and im glad i got the chance to have it with you guys...love you!