Sunday, July 30, 2006
Is it ever okay to lie?
Is it ever okay to not be completely truthful? Obviously we are told in Scripture that we are not to be liars. But is it EVER okay to tell a lie?
I am specifically thinking of these situations:
What if you are being asked to lie by your boss? (which I am not, just for the record)
What if you are being asked to lie because the truth will cause chaos?
What if telling the truth greatly impacts the quality of your life or the life of another?
What if you are being asked to lie by someone who has authority over you in some way?
I don't think that it is okay to lie. This opinion has gotten me into trouble many, many times, because I have told the truth in some situations. I have been asked to be less than truthful many times in recent months, and I have really struggled with it. I don't think that it is okay to ask someone to sin, and lying is absolutely sin. So, I have refused to lie, and been portrayed as the bad guy. Was I wrong? Is it EVER okay to lie? What if telling the truth provokes others to stumble or sin? (Do you believe that God always provides another option besides sin?)
Is it ever okay to lie? I think not.
What do you think?
Saturday, July 29, 2006
It's Show Time!
The show will be at St. Timothy's Church, near 44 and Jamison. Tickets are $10.00 each and Bekah can take your ticket order and check if you would like to attend!
Marble Stage Theater is a new theater company, and they are not expecting a big crowd as a result. Please come and show Bekah your support if you can!
To our sweet Bekah- WE LOVE YOU AND ARE SO PROUD OF YOU! (Do we have to start calling you Baby June or Annie?)
Thursday, July 27, 2006

I love my job! To be honest with you, it is the best place I have ever worked. The staff is kind and always functions as a team. Christian principles are clearly respected and practiced. Good work is noticed and appreciated. Work that falls below standards is noticed and taken care of. People are required to take responsibility for their actions, both good and bad. The staff is focused on member and guest service and is committed to upholding the YMCA Mission Statement.
To put Christian principles into practice through programs that enhance personal growth and improve health of spirit, mind and body for all.
Of course it is not perfect, but it a FABULOUS place to be and work! I thank God for placing His hand on me and providing me with a career at the YMCA of Greater St. Louis, where “We build strong kids, strong families, and strong communities.”
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Blogging brought to a halt!
WOW! What a crazy week this has been!
As you may have noticed, it has been almost a week since I found my way on to a computer to blog! This fact is not without reason. Here is the story.
Monday was a normal beginning to my week, except for Jason was in Portland on a business trip. So that left me completely on my own...(awww... poor Conni). Anyway, it was a very tiring day at work, Bekah had rehearsal, and my mom and I had plans together that evening. No time to blog.
Tuesday started with prayer group (a highlight of my week), then it was off to Bread Co. for breakfast with friends, then on to work. After work I had several errands to run, and by the time Bekah and I got home, I was exhausted.... No time to blog.
Wednesday was when the real fun began! I had a normal day at work, (except I had a workman's comp training), dinner with my two best buddies and Bekah, and then took Bekah to rehearsal. I had a few things to return to Kohl's, so I headed that way. The sun was shining when I went in. Don't let that fool you. Within about 10 minutes of arriving at Kohl's, I heard, "Attention Kohl's customers, due to the tornado in the area, we must ask all customers to go to the customer service area." WHAT? Okay, so I went to the customer service area. Then the lights went out. And they stayed out. No power- no blog.
Thursday- It was a normal work day. The lights were still out and it was 105 degrees outside. At least Jason was home finally, so we could be miserable together. We stayed with some friends from church because they had power! No power- not home- couldn't blog.
Friday- Work was normal, most of the trees in the roads were cleared, and some people had finally gotten electricity. While I was at work, I called home, and guess what? The answering machine answered! Hooray! We had power! Now, don't get too excited- another storm was fast approaching... there were strong winds, and yep, you guessed it- We lost power again. So, we packed up again, and headed to my mom's (by that point she had power). Not home- can't blog.
Saturday, I went shopping with mom and then the 4 of us went to see Les Miserables at the Fox. I tried to call home. STILL NO POWER! ARRRRRGGG! After the show we went to Tuckers for a steak dinner (Yes, M.R. I had steak). Then I called our house again, and HOORAY, we had power again! So we headed home. I was exhausted! Too tired to blog.
Today has been a great day! We had an AMAZING worship service, lunch with good friends (thanks again Brad and Sue), and then we came home. Jennifer is home from the mission trip, Bekah is doing very well after her recent ordeal, and Jason and I are doing very well- unless you count the fact that we are very tired. So, now is the first time I have had to blog!
Today, I am thankful for a great family, great friends, an amazing God, and ELECTRICITY!
On a side note- Happy Birthday to Steele G. (He is 39 today).
And on another side note- please keep folks in the St. Louis area in your prayers... There are still over 300,000 Ameren UE customers without power.
Monday, July 17, 2006
Queen of Shopping!
If you need a personal shopper, I am your woman. Call me and let me know what you need, and I will find it for you, and I will find it cheap!
Tonight I went to DSW as I really needed a new pair of shoes. Okay, maybe I didn't need them, but I wanted a new pair of shoes. So, I headed to the shoe store after I dropped Bekah off at rehearsal. Now, get a load of this...
I found the cutest black shoes... and the cutest navy shoes... AND a very cute (not THE cutest, but still cute) pair of brown shoes. MMmmmm.... I had talked myself into ONE pair of shoes since I haven't received my first paycheck yet... there was NO WAY I could justify THREE new pairs of shoes. Or could I?
Black shoes: Regular Price $89
Navy shoes: Regular Price $74
Brown shoes: Regular Price $67
That is a lot of money for shoes! Well, the nice lady who works at DSW said, "Ma'm are you aware that we are having a sale?" Well, to make a long story short, I walked out of the store with 3 new pairs of shoes...TOTAL COST: $59.77 charged to my credit card! WOW!
I love shoes, and I love shopping, but I love saving money more!
Anyone out there know where I can get work clothes (business) for a really great deal? I'd like to get a few more skirts and shirts...but I never pay full price for anything! Does anyone out there have a coupon that they want to share?
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Saturday, July 15, 2006
CFS Golf Tournament

Brian H. was the winner of the putting contest! I was lucky enough to be on the hole when he made the winning shot, but to tell you the truth, the shot before the winning shot was the one worth talking about! Ask Sarah, Robin, Jenny, or me to tell you the story!
Chris E. and Eric C. are also good friends of mine, and members at McKnight. They had a great time golfing today too!
Brandon B. was on a team with Jason, and they all got pretty excited when the ball came anywhere near the hole! They did great for never having played a tournament before! Good job guys!
Here is yet another McKnight team! (L-R) Bob, Ronnie, Steve, and Brad were lucky enough to place in the tournament today! Good job!
It was really hot, but a lot of fun! A lot of money was raised today to help children and families in need. I am thankful to have the ability to volunteer for such a wonderful organization.
Friday, July 14, 2006
Today is my 36th birthday. I got up to find a huge fountain diet coke (my favorite) next to my bed and a nice card from Jason. Then I was off to work. I checked my voice mail messages, only to hear my boss (who is at a conference all day) sining "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" to me on my voice mail. The morning was pretty typical... putting out small fires, meeting with customers, handling staff issues... blah blah. Then my mom surprised me and showed up at work to take me to lunch. We had a very nice time. When I returned to work, I opened my office door to find a HUGE banner across my back wall that read, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CONNI. It felt good to be loved and appreciated at work. About an hour later, one of the employees came into my office and said, "Conni, we have a problem out here and I need your help." I took a deep breath, not knowing exactly what I was walking into, and when I came around the corner, the staff was standing there, with a cake, singing "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" After I blew out the candles, (yes, there were even candles), I ate cake and enjoyed a few minutes with the staff. Then it was back to work. Then there was another knock at my door. A very dear couple at church (whom I dearly love) sent me a BEAUTIFUL plant for my birthday! HOW NICE IS THAT?
I am sure that the birthday fun isn't over yet! This evening, I will spend some quality birthday time with Jason and the girls.
Today I am very thankful for a wonderful staff at the YMCA, a great family, and great friends.
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I Have NOT Fallen Off the Face of the Earth
Thanks for your emails... No, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth. I am just very busy and very tired. My job is going great...I am having a blast. I am just tired.
I promise an update soon.
How is everyone else doing?
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Mr. & Mrs. Paul and Jodi Mitchell
Today was a wonderful, and very tiring day. Today one of my very best friends got married. Jodi and Paul have been engaged since last November and have been anxiously planning and waiting for this day to finally arrive. The picture below shows 4 good friends, (L-R), Conni, Paul, Jodi and Robin.

The ceremony was beautiful, and will be remembered for a long time by all who were in attendance. I am so thankful that I was asked to share their special day with them. The picture below is of Mike R. at the rehearsal on Friday night. He did a beautiful job playing the guitar, and I was honored to be able to sing "I Will Be Here." Mike is a very talented musician and can make anyone sound good that he is working with.
A lot of work went into making this day special for Paul and Jodi. They both have amazingly supportive and loving families. I was amazed, and a little envious too, at how close they all are and how well they all worked together to make this the best day possible for the bride and groom! The picture below is of (L-R) Melissa (Jodi's sister), Jodi, and Karen, (mom).
Well, I am very tired, but I wanted to share these pictures with you before I settle in for the night. I wish Paul and Jodi all the best, and I love you both! Have fun in Mexico! Oh- I almost forgot...Paul, you still can't come to our Wednesday dinners just because you married her! IF JASON CAN'T COME... YOU CAN'T COME EITHER! :)
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
It's Official!
I have accepted a position as part of the management team of a great nationwide company. My official title is “Executive Assistant to the District Vice President.” I am THRILLED.
The benefits are great….
The money is more than twice what I was making at the church (plus benefits)...
The hours are flexible...
Christian principles are welcomed and followed...
Writing is HUGE part of the job (hooray)...
I will still get to go to prayer group on Tuesday mornings...
It is VERY close to home...
I will NEVER be bored- there is plenty to do!
There are a lot of different kinds of things to do…
People are nice….
What else can I tell you?
I am so excited and praise God for answered prayer!
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
Baby Davis is here!

Congratulations to Scott and Everlie! Baby Davis Shane was born on Friday, June 30th. Everyone is at home and doing well. Congratulations also to big brothers Ethan and Logan. We miss you all! We are praying for you and your new little one.
More Birthday Surprises!
As all who read my blog already know, Sunday was Bekah's 13th birthday. We wanted to make it a very special day for her. Thirteen is a very big deal in our family. In addition to her surprise at the theatre on Friday night, she was surprised in a few other ways too!
On Saturday morning, Jason took Bekah to the park and surprised her with her promise ring. It is beautiful. As a matter of fact, it looks almost exactly like my wedding band. We chose that particular ring because we wanted her to be reminded of our committment to each other, to her, and to God every time she looks at it.
Then on Saturday afternoon, we went to see The Phantom of the Opera at the Fox. She loved it! Grandma also surprised us with tickes to Les Miserables in a few weeks, which will also be at the Fox. Then it was off for a weekend get-a-way.
On Sunday morning, Bekah opened her birthday gifts, which of course included the long desired JAZZ SHOES! She was very, very, excited! Then we were off for a day of fun and craziness at Silver Dollar City!
The picture above is of the girls having fun in a Silver Dollar City coffin...
This picture is of Jen and me on the Powder Keg Roller Coaster. HELLO? WHAT WAS I THINKING? Just because the doctor said it was okay to ride the coasters again, that didn't mean that I had to do it. I guess I am crazy after all!
When we made it back to the hotel, we surprised Bekah with another cake, and everyone in the lobby sang Happy Birthday to her! She was so surprised! Then we shared cake with several friends in the hotel, and went to bed!
On Monday, we took the girls to see THE PROMISE and it was just as good as it was the first time that I saw it. EVERYONE SHOULD SEE THIS SHOW!
We came home this afternoon, and everyone is beat! We are so glad that Bekah had a great birthday. WE LOVE YOU BEKAH!
Saturday, July 01, 2006
Theatre Surprise!

Here is a cast picture! Jennifer and I hung around for quite a while and watched the rehearsal. I think it is going to be a great show!
Here is a picture of Bekah with the director of the show, Greg. Greg is a super nice guy who is extremely talented and passionate about theatre. He is a great director, dancer, singer and choreographer. I think one of his greatest talents is bringing out the best in others. I know he has helped Bekah love theatre even more than she already did... if that is possible!
Last, but not least... here is a great picture that was taken tonight after we ate cake! Jennifer was so excited to be part of Bekah's theatre surprise! They fight like sisters, but they sure do love each other!
It was a great evening, and Bekah was so excited to celebrate her birthday (which is really on Sunday) with her theatre friends. After rehearsal we all went to Dennie's together. Now it is almost 1:30 a.m. and it is time for bed! We have to get our rest... tomorrow we are headed to the FOX to see Phantom of the Opera!