Sunday, December 31, 2006
Remembering 2006
Take a few minutes to watch this if you have a minute... you might be surprised to see who you see!
Happy New Year Everyone!
Saturday, December 30, 2006
Decorating Risk
I have always enjoyed decorating, but I have always been afraid of anything drastic. I have stayed with light colors and basic patterns. Okay, truth be told... I have been a total chicken. I was really afraid to try something new.
For whatever reason, I got a wild hair about 3 or 4 days ago, and stopped to get paint swatches while I was out. Today, I made the leap and painted my kitchen and dining room... and I went on the bold side. I picked "pumpkin pie" and "sunshine" for my colors. They work very well together and go well with some of my dishes and kitchen accessories. On top of what I already had, a quick trip to Pier One Imports allowed me to get a few things to finish the look I was going for.
Now that it is done, I must admit... I LOVE IT. I wonder why I waited so long to do something different? Here are a few pictures.

I am so glad that I took this decorating risk. Now I am making plans for our living room, and have chosen "Cholcolate Mousse" as the color for an accent wall. I am thinking that I may wait a little bit to do it though, because I really want new furniture, but don't want to spend the money right now. NOTHING IS ON SALE in furniture stores right now. To be honest, I think I am holding out for a friend to get new furniture so I can buy their good used furniture!
I love decorating!
Accountability Time
As another year comes to a close, I decided to go back to my blog and see what I wrote about this time last year. Here is what I found...
12 Things I Hope to Accomplish in 2006
12. Listen More; Talk Less(This one is so hard for me!)
11. Stay Out of the Hospital(This one should be pretty easy!)
10. Remember That Not Everything is About Me!(But some things are!)
9. Sing More(At church, in the car, in the shower, just for fun!)
8. Give More Time to Ministry(Particularly to Worship and Music ministries)
7. Read the Bible in Chronological Order(Okay, RW, KG, and MR, I am counting on your help with this!)
6. Give and Receive Forgiveness More Freely(This is another one that is hard for me…but I am getting better!)
5. Share the love of Christ with as many as possible.(By example, not by “preaching.”)
4. Go on More Dates!(Of course with Jason…. What were you thinking?)
3. Continue spending lots of quality time with Bekah!(Singing, shopping, playing, praying, talking, and of course goofing off!)
2. Show my love and dedication for friends and family more openly!(Get ready for more hugs… and maybe more cards!)
And the number one thing I hope to accomplish in 2006 is:
1. Live my life everyday for the glory and honor of God.(And seek His guidance in all that I do!)
Well, I suppose it is accountability time! I did better on some of these goals than others, but am happy to report that accomplishment and growth can be recorded in all areas! NOPE- I haven't arrived yet... but who has? Now... what will my goals be for 2007? MMMmmmm?
Did you reach your goals for 2006?
Friday, December 29, 2006
More on Saddam
MSN is now reporting that Saddam will be executed within the hour. Perhaps it will even happen while I write this post. It has been mentioned to me that it seems only fair that I post my opinion, since I have asked you all to do so on my blog. So, although it may serve as a spoon stirring the pot, here is what I think.
I believe that Saddam is an evil, self-seeking, horrible, abusive man. He deserves to die for the crimes that he has committed against so many. He is a man who has done unimaginable things to so many people, and I am thankful that justice will be served.
At the same time... Saddam is someone's father, someone's son, someone's brother, someone's friend, someone's confidant, someone's leader, someone's lover, someone's family member... and I am sad for them. I am also sad for all of the families that are reliving the horror of the what has happened to their loved ones because of the hand of Saddam, as they watch these events unfold.
I am praying for all involved, and pray that Saddam's execution will provide some kind of avenue of change for his country and for the rest of the world.
Thursday, December 28, 2006
Agree...or Disagree?
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Christmas 2007
It has been a great past couple of days. On Christmas Eve we went to my Aunt Susie's and ate a wonderful meal (Uncle Jimmy is a chef!), and then I taught everyone how to play "rob your neighbor." Then it was off to church for the candle light service. IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. Bekah played Mary, and Jason ran lights, video and sound (imagine that!). Jen and I were active participants in the audience, and it felt good to be able to worship. I must admit, I was surprised at the turnout. 200 candles had been prepared and they ran out at the very end. It is so good to be part of a church that isn't caught up in traditionalism and that isn't afraid to do something that isn't typically accepted within the churches of Christ.
Anyway, then we headed home, and each of us opened one gift. WHAT A SURPRISE- New pajamas for all. Then it was off to bed. Santa won't come unless you are asleep- so of course the girls were anxious to go to bed!
Christmas morning came early... 6 a.m. We opened presents and then it was off to mom's. We decided to start a new tradition, and we arrived at my mom's for breakfast in our pajamas. We had a great breakfast and then it was time to open presents again. The kids are spoiled rotten! (okay, so are the rest of us!)
Then we had some time together as a family and then the rest of the family showed up. By then it was dinner time, and yep.... you guessed it.... more presents. It was fabulous to see some of our family members that we haven't seen in a while. It's amazing how much people change... especially after they leave mom and dad and head to college.
Then it was back to the house and time to crash. It was a long day, but a great one. I hope that you all had a great Christmas too!
Monday, December 25, 2006
Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Christmas Movies

The presents are wrapped, and we are sitting around watching movies. What is your favorite Christmas movie?
A. Frosty the Snowman
B. Rudolph the Rednose Reindeer
C. Elf
D. A Miracle on 34th Street
E. It's a Wonderful Life
F. Charlie Brown's Christmas
G. Polar Express
H. The Santa Claus (Tim Allen)
I. Other (please tell us which one!)
Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Monday, December 18, 2006
Mikki's First Haircut
Mikki got her first haircut today! She looks so cute! Here is a new picture!

Okay, and here is one more... just because she is SO cute!

Mikki is doing well overall, and now weighs 7 pounds! The vet says that he thinks that she is probably done growing! She is the sweetest puppy ever!
Sunday, December 17, 2006
A life full of blessings...
About a month or so ago, the dryer finally gave out for good and we purchased a new one.
About two weeks ago, St. Louis was hit with a major ice storm and we were without power and heat for about 48 hours in very low temperatures.
Last weekend, the washer gave out for good and we are trying to decide where we want to buy the new one.
Yesterday, we smelled gas in the house, and Laclede gas shut us down when they found the leak!
And yet, we are still smiling... no one is arguing... in spite of a little crabbiness, we are all fine.
We are blessed. We had money to purchase a new dryer.
We had friends and family to stay with when it was too cold to stay at home.
We have money to buy a new washer (even though I hate the idea of spending more money on a new appliance!)
We got out of the house before the gas leak hurt (or killed) anyone. We have friends who have been so generous offering their homes to us, and it is warm outside, so our house is not cold.
Christmas is a week away. We have a Lord who was born into this world to save it. We have two beautiful girls and a ton of friends. We have people who love us very much and people who we love very much. I have a great husband, and a wonderful relationship.
Yeah, it stinks that it seems like a lot of things are happening that could easily make me pretty crabby... but when I think about it, how could I be anything but thankful for the blessings God has so freely given!
Friday, December 15, 2006
Another question...
I suppose that it is only fair that we turn the tables, and ask the ladies a question now. So, ladies, how many pairs of shoes do you own?
By the way... the person that we really wanted to know how many ties he owned DID NOT comment on my blog. So, Mr. Brad, if you are reading this... please tell us how many ties you own?
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Random Question

I was part of a disucssion recently and ties were being discussed. Specifically, the question came up about how many ties a particular mutual friend owned. So, I thought it might be fun to post the question
"How many ties do you own?"
(Ladies, feel free to answer for your hubby or significant other.)
Monday, December 11, 2006
a little whine... with no cheese
I was going to blog about all of the wonderful (and not so wonderful) things in my life,... but I am too tired, and my belly is a bit upset, and my eye hurts from the infection that I, instead of sharing with you about the Area Wide Praise Service, or the great dinner we all had at O'Charley's or my awesome job... or Secret Santa, or Christmas shopping, or the plans for the Christmas Eve service at church, or how sweet and beautiful my girls are, or whatever.... I think I will just take my eye drops, eat my soup, and lay my head down and hope for a better day tomorrow.
Love to all-'night 'night.
Saturday, December 09, 2006
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
If You Missed it....
If you missed tonights performance at Ladue High School, you missed a great evening. "Wow" is just about all I know to say! Here are a few pics and a video for you! (acutally, I am working on putting the video out here... so give me a few minutes on that!

Pictured above are Anna and Bekah- Two very good friends who both enjoy singing and theatre...A LOT!
Here is the "man of the hour," Mr. Williams. Mr. Williams is the music teacher and conductor for 6, 7, and 8th grades.
Here are Joseph , Delia, Jake, Bekah, Hannah and Hannah.... 'Nuff said!
It was a great night and we couldn't be more proud of our sweet Bekah! She did a great job, and her hard work is paying off. She is very talented and we are thankful that she gives thanks to God for her talents, and tries to use them to glorify Him.
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Christmas Tree(s)
Lesson of the day...
Don't share pictures of your Christmas tree with coworkers unless you are prepared to help with theirs! AND- definately don't show the pictures to your boss before the company tree is up and decorated... because if you do... you'll be decorating the tree for work too.
Sigh... one tree is fun... two trees are not so fun... three trees are just too much.
I am done decorating for Christmas... are you?
Oh, and by the way... to the 2 people (Dale and anonymous) who said that my tree looks like it belongs at Macy's... THANK YOU- I take that as a compliment! (even if one of you clearly didn't mean it as one.)
Monday, December 04, 2006
Are We the Only Ones?

Sunday, December 03, 2006
Winter Wonderland
St. Louis is still digging out from our ice storm last Thursday and Friday. A lot of people (around 200,000) are still without power, and a lot of people are VERY crabby! We have been very blessed- our power has been back on for a solid 24 hours now. Heat is a wonderful thing! Here are a few pictures from the storm.

This picture is Jennifer holding a piece of the solid ice that came off of my windsheild on Friday morning. It was pretty thick!
This picture was taken in our yard on Saturday. I think that it is beautiful with the sun shining through the ice. It was dangerous to be out in all of it, but God's creation was so beautiful with an icy covering.
Well, I hope you all are staying warm and dry, and that everyone has electricity.
What did you do to keep yourself occupied when you still didnt have power?
Saturday, December 02, 2006
Yucky Days!
What a terrible couple of days! Things in St. Louis have been a little less than fun over the past few days. Over 500,000 people are without power due to the recent ice storm, and considering it is supposed to be 12 degrees tonight, this is a bad, bad thing.
We are among the few who were lucky enough to have our power restored within about 48 hours. We are now back at home and warm. We spent the first night at home, and we were pretty chilly when we got up on Friday morning. Last night, we were going to stay with friends, but the girls were so crazy we decided to stay at the church so they could run and scream and play basketball until the wee hours of the morning. When it was all said and done, we wound up staying at my mom's, since she got her power back last night. We were comfortable and warm.
I have some pictures of what the storm left behind that I will try to post tomorrow. For now, I am thankful to be at home with my family. I am thankful for friends who are willing to help during a time of need and for a church family that pulls together when needed. I hope that you have power and heat, and that if you don't, you are safe and sound with family members and friends.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Excitement in Ladue
There is much rejoicing in Ladue tonight. For the first time in 6 years, the Ladue School District will be closed tomorrow due to weather conditions! I personally know 2 girls who are pretty excited!
Well, the weathermen (and women) got at least part of it right. St. Louis is a very cold and icy place right now. Here is a picture of what things look like on our front porch right now. Sorry, I couldn't get a beautiful picture of ice hanging off of trees or off of the house, but it is so cold, I wasn't willing to be out long enough to look for a beautiful shot!
There is a lot of ice out there and there will be more before the snow starts in a few hours. They are predicting that before it is over, many in the St. Louis area could have somewhere in the neighborhood of 10 inches of the white stuff! I think in our specific area, they are predicting between 4-6 inches, but our friends in St. Charles are likely to get pounded.
I like to watch movies, play games, eat pancakes (yes I said pancakes), and work on some writing projects when I am snowed in. What do you like to do?
Do you think you'll be going out anywhere tomorrow?
Some guys in my prayer group normally golf on Fridays.... even when it is cold. I am betting they won't go tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ice and Snow?
Is it coming to St. Louis tonight and tomorrow?
"Weather girl Conni predicts...2 inches of snow."
What do you think?
Monday, November 27, 2006
Question of the Day
Saturday, November 25, 2006
I may be crazy...
I may be crazy... and I may be tired... but guess who is done Christmas shopping?
Friday, November 24, 2006
Sleepy Girl...
2:30 a.m. Conni can't sleep, so she gets up.
3:30 a.m. Jason's alarm goes off
3:47 a.m. Stop at 7-11 for coffee
4:02 a.m. In line at Kohs
5:34 a.m. Eating breakfast at IHOP (YUM)
6:18 a.m. Braving the crowd at Target
7:14 a.m. A quick stop at Old Navy
7:30 a.m. A "supposed to be quick" stop at Borders (LETS GO HONEY!)
8:12 a.m. Off to the mall...
SHOPPING, SHOPPING, SHOPPING..... OH Look, there are our new friends that we met this morning at 4:00 a.m. at Kohl's! HI FRIENDS! More shopping!
10:54 a.m. Leave the mall, and heading for the most dreaded place... WAL-MART!
11:03 a.m. Looking for a parking place.
11:10 a.m. Still looking for a parking place.
11:15 a.m. Shopping, and fighting the crowds... LOOK- $3.00 NEW RELEASE DVDs!
12:27 p.m. Checking out, spent less than we thought.... I am hungry.
12:45 p.m. Sitting to eat lunch with my honey at Casa!
2:00 p.m. I am so tired... Can we go home now?
2:15 p.m. On the way home, OH WAIT- one more "quick" stop to get ornament hooks.
2:17 p.m. Entering Michael's- HELLO, like I can make a trip into Michael's a quick one!
3:30 p.m. Leaving Michael's with lots of supplies to make decorations for the house.
3:52 p.m. We're home now.
4:06 p.m. Finishing unloading the car.
4:10 p.m. Jason is taking a nap, Conni lays down, but can't sleep.
4:20 p.m. Conni starts making a wreath for the front door- IT"S BEAUTIFUL!
5:15 p.m. Jason goes to get the girls, Conni straightens the house.
6:15 p.m. FAMILY TIME!
7:56 p.m. (present time) Conni can hardly keep her eyes open, but wants to blog.
8:00 p.m. Conni will be snoozin! zzzzzzzzz
8:00 a.m. Mom is picking me up for round 2 of the biggest shopping weekend of the year!
Hugs and Kisses to all..... and to all a good night!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Thanksgiving 2006
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. We just have so much to be thankful for. I wish that we spent more time as a country focussing on what is good in our lives and all of the blessings that God has given to us.

Today we went to mom's for Thanksgiving, and while we anticipated a stressful day (for a multitude of reasons), overall it was a great day. We had a good time. We ate a lot, talked a lot, ate some more, and talked some more.
Another big event for the day was playing with the dogs. You can see them in the picture... (L-R), Sugar, Millie, and our sweet Mikki!
It was also great to see a few members our family who we haven't seen in a while.
This picture shows (L-R) Brianna, Jacki, Jason, Lauren, and Susie. It reminded me a lot of when Grandma and Grandpa were still with us and we all used to get together at their house.
It was a good thing for the kids to be together too. Since Jennifer came to live with us, we don't get to see Andrew much anymore. He is growing up so fast. We miss him a lot.
We had a great day and we hope that you did too. The kids are safe and sound at Grandma's house, we have settled in to watch a bit of TV, and we are getting ready to hit the hay so we can get up early and keep our shopping tradition at 4 a.m. Look for a recap of our shopping experience tomorrow! Love to all- I am thankful for you!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Mikki's Big Day
I realize that I already blogged today, but I had to share these pictures with you. Mikki had a busy day today. She finally got to meet her big sister, Maggie. Maggie was born in a previous liter, but was born to the same parents as Mikki was. It was kind of weird to look at them side by side because they look so much alike. Mikki liked Maggie, and they played well together, but Mikki was VERY protective of me. It was hysterical to watch little, tiny Mikki barking and swatting at a dog twice her size! It was even funnier that Maggie backed down from her! Here are a few pics...

Here is Mikki on the ride over to meet Maggie. She is stylin' in her pink and white polo and bow! HOW CUTE!Finally- the 2 sisters met.... I think that they like each other!
After our "play date," Mikki had a vet appointment. She got the last of her shots (for now), and a check-up. We found out that she has a heart murmur, which is a bit sad, but we are holding on to hope, and praying that it takes care of itself. We also learned that she has gained 2 pounds in 4 weeks! She is 6.4 pounds now. Wow- watch out, she's turning into a beast!
Well, now we all know what Mikki did today- and now I am wondering if it is weird it is to blog about a dog and their day...?
Getting Ready for Thanksgiving
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, and I can't wait! I love to cook, and spend time with family. I also love it because I know that the day after Thanksgiving is a big shopping day. Here are a few cartoons that I thought were appropriate as we prepare for Thanksgiving.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Confessions of a Party Girl!
I am writing to you from a wireless connection at my favorite local bar. From where I am sitting, I can see many Chip-n-Dale type dancers who are barely dressed. I am thinking of taking one home with me. So far, I have had 2 strawberry daiquiris, a pina colada, and an entire pitcher of sangrias. I haven’t had to pay for any drinks, as several gorgeous guys have paid for them all. Of course I am spending plenty of cash on the slot machines. So far, I have only spent about 80% of my paycheck, so I figure I am doing pretty well.
My family is at home, and they are really hungry because I haven’t gone grocery shopping, and I certainly haven’t cooked for them. My desire to party comes first. They can deal with it. The girls haven’t seen me in weeks because I am out partying all the time, but hey, they’ll be okay- who needs a mom anyway?
Well, I better close for now, there is a real cutie over there who wants to chat with me, and hey, if I can pick up yet another man, I should do it! Maybe I can get him to bye me another (hiccup) drink.
Whoever the anonymous commenter is who is ragging on me about having ONE drink with friends… KNOCK IT OFF. If the above story were true, you may have something to gripe at me about, but since it isn’t, you really should go bother someone else!
For those of you reading this who are confused, please see the comments on the last post.
Tailgate 2006
Wow- what a great and tiring day! Yesterday was the 3rd annual YMCA Tailgate Party at Glen Echo Country Club, which serves as our kickoff for our Partner Campaign. Here are a few pictures from the day:

Bekah was asked by my boss to offer the invocation. She did a great job. She shared a story and offered a prayer. She did a fabulous job! HOORAY for Bekah!
Here is a picture of (L-R) Lindsay, Angela, Nicole, Chris, and Amy B. This picture was taken as we were setting up the food tables. Everyone worked really hard. GREAT JOB!
Here are the 2 big dogs for the day! This is my boss, Dona and our Our board Partner Chairman, Steve. They both seemed very pleased with how the day went.
Here is Jason, and Dona's husband, Tom. Tom always introduces himself as Mr. Dona Sherwood. He told Jason, "Get used to it...when your wife is an executive in the YMCA, you quickly become an extension of her." Jason said he didn't mind being Mr. Conni Harbison...well... he says it is okay sometimes! Jason and Tom were great helpers today. THANKS GUYS- YOU ROCK!
This is not a great picture, but I wanted to share what it was like to watch the game on really big screens. It was awesome.
Today's event was a fundraiser and a HUGE success. We raised more money than the event has ever raised for children and families in need! Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make the event a success!
Just like home... The event wouldn't have been complete unless someone had fallen asleep on the couch while watching the game. We are glad that people had a good time and felt comfortable. SEE YOU NEXT YEAR!
It was so tiring, but worth the effort. Plus, it means that I only have to go in for a little while today! I am going in late, and coming home early!
Saturday, November 18, 2006
New Car!
About a week ago, I blogged about our car. Yesterday we secured our financing and today we went car shopping. It wasn't nearly as fun as I remembered it being. In fact is was a HUGE drag! We were lied to- multiple times, had one car sold right from under us, had 2 prices inflated, after we had been promised a certain price, and on and on. Finally, we decided on a car, and while we weren't thrilled with it, it was okay, and it was a good, solid, family car.
As you know, we didn't even consider fixing our car. We just couldn't see putting that kind of money into an "older" car. A very wise friend and mentor told me that it didn't make a lot of sense to buy a new car, but I didn't listen. (Sorry M.R.) I argued and said, I don't want to put that much money in my car. He told me that it was a lot cheaper than a car payment. Arg! Why does he have to be right all...well most of the time?
Anyway, we went into the office to sign the papers, and God spoke to us. (NO- we are not hearing voices!) Something just wasn't right. My gut was screaming- DON'T DO THIS! Maybe it was yet another lie that we were told that came into light. Jason and I walked out of the dealership without a new car, and we've decided to get the old one fixed. It will be done on Monday night. Our decision saved us over $20,000.
Sometimes we fall into the "stuff" mode, and we get too materialistic. The car belongs to God, old or new... so why does it matter what we drive?
So, we learned a lesson today... well maybe a few lessons. First, don't trust car salesmen, no matter how honest they seem..., listen to friends who are older and wiser- they usually have something to share that is worth hearing... and finally, when you listen to your gut, you just might save over $20,000.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
An Evening With Friends

Here is Amy again, Lindsay, and Chris. I love working with these ladies!

Here is another shot of Dona with Michelle. Michelle is Cesar's wife (Cesar is our Associate executive.)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Monday, November 13, 2006
Tailgate Party
The Mid-County YMCA is having its annual Tailgate Party this Sunday at Glen Echo Country Club. As an employee, I just happen to have some complimentary tickets. (They are normally $25 each) If you are up for watching the Rams beat the Panthers, eating a bunch of free food, enjoying a cold beer, glass of wine, or soda, hanging out with Rams Cheerleaders, and having a good time, please let me know, and I will get you a few tickets. You will also get to hear Bekah tell an inspiring story about someone you all know, and she will also offer the invocation. Also, free childcare is offered on site. (OH, just a bit of fair warning.... this is a fund raiser, and they will ask for donations, but that doesn't mean that you have to give a lot, or give at all. ) Just come and have a good time. So, let me know if you want FREE tickets!

I don't have an UNLIMITED amount to give away, but I do have several, so please let me know soon!
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Friday, November 10, 2006

Rapunzel, Rapunzel.... Let down your hair!
Congratulations once again to our sweet Bekah, who just got word that she has been cast as Rapunzel in the spring musical, "Into the Woods." She called me from school when the cast list was posted, and she is pretty excited. Rehearsals start soon, but the show isn't until the Spring. I am betting it will be a great show.
Bekah is attending a theatre workshop on Saturday at the High School, and sometime next week she is auditioning for their musical, "The Music Man." She is staying pretty busy with all of this theatre and music stuff! The good news is that her grades are still great and she is still active with the youth group. Now, if I could just get her to clean her room!
We will keep you posted as to when the dates of the show(s) are. We hope to see you there!
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Beautiful Day!
Today was a beautiful day in St. Louis. Jason and I both worked and the girls were of course in school, so we didn't have much time to be outside. I thought this cartoon was cute, and summed up how I felt today, sitting behind my desk working on budgets.

I am still loving my job. I think one the things that I like the most is that it actually takes brain power. Today, I can honestly say that my brain was tired! It is a great feeling to do something that requires some level of intellect and be able to accomplish it by the deadline! It was difficult, but the budgets for 4 out of 5 of my branches are complete! I had no idea how hard it was to manage that much money! It may have been easier if it had been 46 degrees and raining outside. It was necessary to concentrate on the budgets, and all I wanted to do was go outside and walk through the leaves, enjoy the sunshine, and be reminded of how awesome God is by looking at His beautiful creation. Oh well...maybe it will be nice this weekend!?
Were you able to enjoy the beautiful day today?
I wonder if there is a I will check it out and let you know.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
How Long?
How long did you wait in line today when you went to vote?
I went at about 8:40 and waited about 25 minutes.
Monday, November 06, 2006
Election Day

I cannot believe how many people are not planning on heading to the poles tomorrow! Several people that I have talked to today said that they don't plan to vote because their vote won't make the outcome swing one way or the other. I wonder how many people are out there saying that?
Will you vote tomorrow? What is the most important issue to you on tomorrow's ballot?
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Over the course of the last year I have seen many books, web-sites, and hand-held games containing SUDOKU puzzles. I have flipped through the books and visited a few of the sites, but never really gave much thought to doing the puzzles. I wasn't even sure how to do them until recently. Someone told me the basics of the game, and I thought I'd give it a try. Now I am addicted! I love this game.

The above picture is a sudoku puzzle. They are so much fun! Does anyone else out there enjoy sudoku? If you want to give it a shot go to Let me know what you think!
Saturday, November 04, 2006
Presenting...Mrs. Trenkler
Mrs. Trenkler (aka Sweet Bekah).
Here is Bekah with a couple of her best theatre buddies, Anna and Deila. They are sort of the senior members of the theatre program at Ladue, and have been in several shows together. They are looking forward to sharing more theatre experiences in High School together.
Thanks to everyone who came out and supported our girl. We will keep you posted on when the next play will be!
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Singing Sensation!
Congratulations to our sweet Bekah, who was selected today to participate in the St. Louis Honors Choir. Hooray for Bekah! We are so proud of you!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Two Crazy Girls!

Dona is not only a great boss, she is a great example to me too. She often reminds me to think first, pray often, and take every opportunity to grow and learn something new. She is teaching me so much about business and how to be a good manager. She recognizes my strengths and helps me to identify areas in my life (both professionally and personally) that could use a little improvement. She offers suggestions of how to do some things better, and has asked me to teach others some of the things that I do well. She has encouraged me to use my talents for the glory of God, and to put God first, family second, and job third.
I am thankful for my job. It is great to work some place where God is shared openly, and where there is always something fun going on!
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Why Choose Legalism?
One of my goals as of late has been to listen more and talk less, and this morning that is what I did. It was good to listen to varying opinions and just soak in what was being said. After a little time to think about all of it, I think I’d like to throw in another possible reason why people want to hold on to legalism, (actually it is 2 reasons): Ignorance and immature faith.
I think that a lot of people still believe that they can do something to earn their way into Heaven. Eternal life with the Father is a gift that we receive when we accept Jesus Christ. It is by grace through faith that we are saved… not by our own works. (Those aren’t my words; that is straight scripture.) A lot of people think that we still need to keep the letter of the Law and don’t recognize that Jesus was the ultimate sacrifice for us, and we are covered by His blood, His mercy, and His grace. I think that if people understood that, and stopped trying to do everything perfectly, they would be happier, and live more fully as Christians. That doesn’t mean we can do whatever we want without regard for right and wrong, it just means that we are covered by God’s grace when we screw up!
Of course that takes a great deal of faith to believe, and that doesn’t come easy for some. I would venture to say that it doesn’t come easy for most. Faith is something that builds over time. Faith is built by experiencing God’s hand in our lives. It comes by recognizing Him, His work, His passion, His grace, and His way. It is such a huge struggle sometimes because we want to see God like we are able to see the mailman, our preacher, or a friend. We can’t see God physically, but we can see Him in everything that we do. Seeing God is believing and believing is faith. When we have faith, we believe that we are covered by His mercy and grace.
I can’t imagine why anyone would want to hold onto rigidity and legalism, but if that is the walk that they choose, I wish them well, and pray that their journey will bring them closer and closer to the Father. As for me, I walked the rigid line once before, and am thankful that I have chosen a different path. I am thankful for those who helped me overcome fear, self-righteousness, ignorance and lack of faith. Now, please don’t get me wrong… I have by no means arrived, and I still struggle with these things, and I struggle with them often. I just know that for me, legalism is not the answer, because I can never reach perfection…no matter how hard I try.
Whatever your walk, whatever church you choose, whether you choose conservative or liberal, legalistic or not, I pray that you have a blessed day and that you enjoy your journey with the Father!
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Trunk or Treat #2
Finally, Blogger has allowed me to post pictures. Whew... So, here are a few of my favorites from tonight's Trunk or Treat:

Here is our sweet Bekah. She was original with her costume and called it "Left overs from the green room." (Her costume was all left overs from shows that she has been in recently.)

One preacher plus one priest equals too much trouble in one place!

Snow white was especialy beautiful tonight.
Benny was so cute as a shark!
Mr. Brad and Miss Sue enjoyed taking lots of pictures and handing out lots of candy!
Too cute for words!
Bethany made a great Scarecrow and Teddy couldn't have been a cuter Tin Man. Paige was dressed as Dorothy, but didn't feel much like having her picture taken.
Watch out for this group- They can steal your heart in no time!
David and Vicki got into the spirit of the holiday...but I think David is confused about which holiday we were celebrating!
Lucy was a beautiful Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz, and was very willing to share her candy with her mom, Rebecca.
As always, a great time was had by all!
Happy Halloween everyone!
(sorry there are no pictures of Jennifer on this post...
she had her eyes closed in all of the pics!)