After almost 7 fun filled weeks of basically being sedentary, my surgeon cleared me to return to modified, aerobic exercise. This is great news. Although I have lost weight through this neck ordeal, I feel awful! There is something positive to be said for exercise, even though many of us complain while doing it. It makes us feel better, and it keeps us healthy. Another plus (especially in my case), is that it keeps your blood moving. Who needs blood clots?
Anyway, it was with much excitement that I laced up my running shoes, grabbed the iPod, and climbed on our elliptical. Remembering how good I used to feel after exercising, I was thrilled with the idea of returning to a way of life that actually included regular and deliberate movement.
Boy was I surprised! Within ONE MINUTE I was breathing hard, and my legs were burning. Can you imagine? ONE MINUTE! How disappointing. With thoughts of “no pain – no gain” ringing in my head, I continued. Even though I felt like I was dying, I knew that I wasn’t. Please excuse my pride for my accomplishment (cough cough), but I made it a whopping 6 minutes before I felt like I was going to collapse, and ultimately climbed down off of the death machine. My legs felt like Jell-O, and my heart felt like it was going to beat right out of my chest. But I lived through it…barely.
Well, the good news is two-fold. First, I don’t look anything like the poor man in the picture above. Thank God for that! Secondly, the surgeon told me that it would be very hard to get back to where I was before surgery, but I will get there. It will just take a little time. So, once again persistence and patience will need to be my 2 new best friends.
So, I just need one thing from you. Promise me that if I don’t show up for a scheduled meeting, prayer group, lunch date, church, music practice, or any other planned event , PLEASE SEND HELP IMMEDIATELY! I am probably lifelessly lying next to the evil elliptical.