Saturday, February 23, 2008

Checking in

Life is CRAZY. I am not sure what else to say other than that. I am unbelievably busy at work, working on parties and marketing campaigns. I am also busy with music, as I have been singing at a lot of parties, and fundraisers in the St. Louis area. (I think music is all that keeps me sane.) Here is the poster for our big event at work tonight.

I love my job! I get to do lots of creative stuff, and I get to plan lots of parties! Hopefully it will be a great event tonight. If you are in the neighborhood, stop by- IT IS FREE!
Other than that, life is about the same as always... working, singing, sleeping, playing taxi cab mom, and working with a few local agencies who need lots of volunteers. Bekah continues to grow taller, and is still active in theatre, and Jenn is working a lot and Jason is working, and bowling and doing what Jason does.
I don't know when I will be back, but I thought I would check in... just in case anyone still comes by.


Anonymous said...

HI Conni: I check at least once everyday - just in case. I am praying extra hard the results of the eye surgery will be good. Sounds like you are very busy - but that does not make me miss you any less. The PT REALLY needs you - I was even asked this morning to sing - I did NOT. I am battling a cold - and they did not need a bass. Please KNOW you are loved by MANY people - but most especially by God. a

Guatorean Daddy said...

miss you. much has changed since we last talked. surf on over to the blog and check it out!

Anonymous said...

Miss hearing from you. How are you and yours? I truly miss your blogs!