Thursday, May 31, 2007
Enough already!
You all are so sweet- but really- we can handle it!
Love you all!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Sixty years ago today, my grandparents got married. 60 years! They both have passed from this life, and yet their dedication and committment to marriage live on. Things weren't always easy for grandpa and grandma... they raised 5 kids in a 2 bedroom home, and were happy with what they had. They worked through the death of 2 grandchildren, the divorce of all 5 of their children, and living on one salary for the duration of their marriage. Grandma and Grandpa believed that marriage was forever- they believed that it was sacred, godly, and holy.
In a world where marriage is so disposable, I am so thankful that I had grandma and grandpa's example, (and other mentors too), who have shown that God's way truly is the best way for marriage... forever.
Happy 60th Anniversary Grandma and Grandpa! I love and miss you!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Sunday, May 27, 2007
We Remember

Saturday, May 26, 2007
Now that was cool!
Now she is very tired, and hungry...and very happy that she had such a great opportunity with another professional theatre company!
We are so proud of her!
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Say Goodbye to Middle School!
Congratulations Bekah-boo... we love you so much and are so proud of you!
Look out LHS... Here she comes!
Sunday, May 20, 2007
More Graduation Pictures
We were honored that Jimmy and Amber (and "baby T") were able to join us tonight. They are wonderful friends and have been a great influence in Jenn's life over the past few years.
We asked some random guy to take a picture of our entire dinner party. (L-R) Mom, Me, Drew, Amber, Jennifer, Jimmy, Bekah, Jacki, Jason and Mike.
We had a great dinner... and a great time to be together with family!
Graduation 2

Stay tuned for pictures and a report of the big evening!
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Happy Anniversary to Jason and me! HOORAY for us!
The CFS Golf Tournament was a great success- WAY TO GO MIKE, ROBIN, AND THE REST OF THE STAFF!
Jennifer graduates tomorrow!
Bekah graduates on Thursday!
Spring has sprung and if you look in our backyard, you will find baby bunnies, baby ducks, baby groundhogs, and baby birds. There are so many babies.... and of course there is soon to be baby Kelley, baby Thompson, baby Wimberely, and baby....??? oops... that friend wants to remain anonymous for now.... (BUT IT IS NOT ME!)
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Highway 40 Symposium
We sent invitations to 100 local companies and invited them to come hear speakers from MoDot, The City of Clayton, Missouri Public Transit, and other local experts on traffic and what comapanies are doing about this upcoming issue. We limited attendance to 40 companies... (get it.... 40 companies... highway 40....?) Cheesy I know....
Anyway, we had 40 companies call and RSVP, but since the seminar was FREE, we were not sure that they would actually come. We held the event off-site, served breakfast (donated by Balaban's) and lunch (sold at cost by Applegate's). We had great YMCA materials to share with all of the attendees and gave small leather portfolios with the YMCA logo debossed on them and pen and pencil sets to each company that attended! We were well organized and professional- that made me happy.... and made my boss happy! HOORAY!
So, after we set up and got everything in place, the question still remained.... HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL ACTUALLY SHOW UP? I was getting a little nervous...but, would you believe that 40 companies registered and 40 companies SHOWED UP? Wow- God totally answered my prayer! It was great.
The event went very smoothly, and we were VERY excited that Ladue News, the Post-Dispatch and Channel 4 all sent reporters (the Post sent 3!).
I am so thankful that things went so well. I am even more thankful that the YMCA was marketed well, and that we are now viewed as an organization who is a leader in our community who is reaching out to offer solutions to real community issues.
Today was a great day! Praise the Lord!
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Look Alike?
Joey- From NSYNC
Friday, May 11, 2007
Gonna Dance the Night Away...
Both girls took a digital camera with them, and there were lots of great ones to choose from (including some with a few pretty “cute guys”), but I didn’t want to embarrass anyone TOO much! Here are a few pictures from the dances.
Bekah- leaving the house.
Bekah with a few friends.
Jen leaving the house.
Jen with a few friends.
My, my, they grow up so fast! We have been blessed with two beautiful girls! Oh yeah, and two very EXPENSIVE girls! Do you know how much this stuff costs? Geez… Dresses, shoes, prom ticket, limo ride, jewelry, nails, hair stuff, make-up… and on and on…. Well…. I guess you only graduate from 8th grade, and high school once! They are worth every penny!
We love you Bekah and Jen!
Monday, May 07, 2007
Too Funny
"After12 years of intense therapy, my therapist finally said something life changing, that brought tears to my eyes... He said, "No hablo Ingles!"
Maybe I am the only one in the world who is laughing hysterically, but in my opinion.... that it REALLY funny!
Friday, May 04, 2007
"When life hands you lemons, GOD gives you the opportunity to make lemonade... and if you ask, HE will even provide you with the sugar."