Sunday, February 11, 2007

2007 McKnight Road Talent Show

Last night was the annual McKnight Road Talent Show. This year the theme was BROADWAY! Bekah and I were blessed to serve as the emcees for the program. We had a great time. It was an honor and a pleasure to work with Steve over the last few months getting things ready for the show. Here is a picture of Bekah and me right before the show started.

As always, Steve did a great job. He is an unbelievable musician. I can honestly say that I have NEVER met a more talented man as far as music goes. God truly blessed him with a gift. Since Bekah and I were on the stage for the whole night, we didn't have the opportunity to take pictures.... so I am posting this one of Steve that I took during one of our "jam sessions." He looks a little sleepy.... Today, I saw him at church, and he looked pretty sleepy there too.

The night was filled with great acts. I am amazed at the talent at McKnight. Wow. Now, I realized that I am a little biased, but I have to tell you, that our sweet Bekah was awesome. She sang, "As Long as He Needs Me" from Oliver! and was fantastic. We are so proud of her! Hooray Bekah! Some of my other favorites include: Alex, who played the saxaphone for tips, Mike, who sang "Music of the Night," Steve's rendition of "Hello Dolly," Becky's performance of "Embracable You," and of course Rebecca Schene and her songs from "Cabaret." I also really liked "Blessed Be Your Name." We had a few new acts this year, and Paul was the hightlight of that group for me! But, we also had a few missing- Carol got sick at the last minute, and Jenny was feeling a little too pregnant to be on stage! We missed you ladies....we will see you next year.

Anyway, it was great fun, and a lot of work. Here is a final picture of Bekah and me at the end of the night.... once the stage was cleared and most of the crowd was gone. Bekah and I were WIPED out.... and Bekah really was asleep on the stage for this picture...and I wasn't far behind her.

We are already looking forward to next year! We hope that you are too!


Anonymous said...

Conni- You and Bekah did a great job last night. It was a really good show. I agree, Bekah did a great job. She got a great set of pipes from her mama! Great job.

Jason Harbison said...
