Which best describes your feelings about American Idol?
A. I love it and can't wait for the next episode.
B. I might pull my hair out if I have to watch one more horrible singer...MAKE IT STOP!
C. It's not my favorite, but I watch it from time to time.
D. (said in my best Simon voice) It is ABSOLUTELY DREADFUL.
E. Other (please explain)
I love Idol! I missed it, but I must admit that I'm getting sick of ALL the bad singers - it seems to me that in prior years there were more GOOD singers. It also seems like Paula is drunk or on drugs? She seems stranger than usual. I think ALL the judges are sick of being there?! They just seem bored, more so than usual.
However, having said all of that, I will still watch Every episode! Its addictive.
I have far better things to do with my time than to waste a single minute watching ANY reality TV banality.
Pay the extra money, get the expanded cable package, and watch Ovation, or heck, at least VH1 Classic.
Even better, pay the little bit MORE, and get DVR. . .you can record enough quality programming to watch, that you never have to diminish your intellectual capacity by watching this insipidity.
Good Lord, do they not have the History Channel or National Geographic there?
Even BETTER. . .don't pay any money at ALL and go get a library card.
(of course, let me note, we have Spongebob Squarepants on at least once a day in our house. . .which I think is riotous, so who the heck am I to talk?)
Well, 3q.... it is all about balance. I love american idol... AND I watch the history channel and National Geographic channel... and I have a library card.
My $0.02. I do not like American Idol. Nor do I like reality tv of any kind. The stars as cops or Survivor or any of it is really annoying in my opinion.
However, I do not like Spongebob, or any cartoons.
Now, I admit that I watch tv as an escape as much as anyone, but I like cop shows. CSI, SVU, etc are my favorites. CBS has become my tv watching haven because of all the good cop shows. NBC has SVU, but that is the only time I watch a network show not on CBS.
I am currently listening to the Harry Potter books on my iPod when I am alone and my husband and I are listening to Lord of the Rings on his iPod when we are together.
I love my library card as well. Harry Potter and an assortment of mystery novels make me very happy.
I left the first comment, and I would just like to tell 3q, that I have two Bachelors of Arts degrees, a Masters and a Ph.D. - which happens to be in History! My IQ is 171 and I have been a member of Mensa since I was 15. Given that, I still LOVE to hear people sing, and watch them progress week to week on Idol. It is a small mind that believes you can only be intelligent if you "Watch" or "Read" intelligent things. It's called living outside the box - try it - and gain alittle perspective!
We all know that 3q thinks pretty highly of himself and likes to stir the pot, and get people going. Don't let him get you started anonymous. He may be able to quote great poets since he watches the history channel so much, but he probably is a very lonely, broken individual who doesn't watch IDOL because it reminds him of how much FUN he is NOT having... and how much others are having by laughing and singing with eachother. A very "wise" man once said, "Misery loves company."
I like to watch it when they get to Hollywood, so my answwer is E...and I agree that it is all about balance for example I like the TLC channel, History Channel, Cartoon Channel and SCIFI Channel and I like to go to the Fox with my wife!
diminish your intellectual capacity by watching this insipidity
= $10 sentance
= $5 word
sounding like a snob
= -$20
Commenting on someones blog where no one cares what you have to say
= priceless
Okay, I never jump to 3q's defense, since he is perfectly capable of defending himself. However, on this occasion, "I" take offense at what was posted about him.
As his wife, I can honestly say he is not miserable, broken, or lonely. He is an artist and a musician who has produced five albums in the six years we have been married. We also have four wonderful children, so there is no lack of laughter or balance in our house.
Also, if anyone had bothered to read his last statement about Spongebob, then anyone with ANY intelligence would have noted that he was laughing at himself as well.
I am sorry my husband's comments made you feel like you needed to defend yourself, but if some anonymous person's comments caused you to have to do that, then I really feel bad for YOU! Also, my husband can almost match Mr./Ms. Mensa degree for degree, so what the heck does that prove?
Okay, off my soapbox, the kids want breakfast.
"Also, my husband can almost match Mr./Ms. Mensa degree for degree"- ALMOST DOESNT COUNT FOR MUCH THESE DAYS.
"He is an artist and a musician who has produced five albums in the six years we have been married.".....MAYBE HE SHOULD GO ON AMERICAN IDOL.
If he is such a wonderful guy, why does he need his wife to defend him...is he too busy getting his audition tape ready to send to Simon?
Conni, I don't understand it. You seem like a nice Christian woman, yet your blog always seems to attract such nasty people. Attacking anonymous posters seems to be a fun past-time on your blog, not you I mean, but some of your readers. I hope these aren't people you go to church with because they aren't very kind and loving, definitely not Christ-like. I hope they are people who just stumbled on your blog and are trolls. I mean, the last poster attacking 3q's wife is just down right mean. I will say prayers for this individual as they seem to need them.
I just got out of bed, checked my blog, and am amazed at how things can get turned and twisted.... GEESH... my only question was if you liked american idol or not. (For the record... I LOVE IT.)
Anyway, I am okay with people having their opinions, and posting them here... if I wasnt, I shouldnt have a blog. BUT- will someone please tell me how MENSA and Christianity got involved?
Okay... I am glad that someone out there is smart. (Lots of people are smart.)
I am NOT so glad that the last anonymous poster makes the leap and assumption that my church family has something to do with these attacks...
As far as 3q and his wife go... 3q likes to get people thinking... and sometimes does so in a less than tactful way... and his wife defends him.... okay... SO WHAT?
Here is my thought for the day...
If one needs to attack others on a blog... he/she needs therapy to determine what it is that is really going on... because the blogging world is certainally not worth getting bent out of shape about.
One final thought.... whoever posted about my church family... NOT COOL.... really NOT COOL.
Ok, For the record:
My initial comment was made TOUNGE IN CHEEK". . .hence my reference to Spongebob. I think that Conni was well aware of that, since she made her comment about BALANCE.
Ok. . .Mr. Anonymous Mensa--a stack of degrees does not give one common sense. . .nor a sense of humor. If you can't recognize a joke when you see one, you definately should go back to school. Likewise, someone with your education should know that IQ is not something that is generally boasted about. An interesting read about IQ, would be Stephen Jay Gould's "The Mismeasure of Man".
Anonymous "Misery Loves Company"--
Yes, I stir the pot--Stirring the pot is what keeps things from burning or going stagnant. If I ask hard questions, then maybe it is not my questions that are the problem, but the answers that you have. Something for you to think about. You should also decide whether you think that I think Highly of myself, or if you think I am miserable in my life--You said both in the same post--I am not sure that you even know WHAT you think, except that you want to denigrate and dismiss anything that is said when I sign my name.
Jason--you forgot to mention your love of great literature AND comic books. . .like we said--BALANCE.
Jennifer--Obviously people care--this is why there is so much discussion.
Anonymous Mrs. 3q--Thank you honey, but let them rant--they are doing such a good job of making themselves look silly.
Anonymous "maybe he should go on American Idol"--to what end? I mean, seriously? Why would I, who have a life that I am pretty comfortable with (and have time to participate in such WONDERFUL discussions, with such illuminated people), go through all of the crap that these poor kids go through? I don't need Simon or Paula or Randy(or anyone for that matter) to define who I am, and tell me I have Value.
Conni--Thank you for your gracious nature in this discussion--I think there are some people who post here regularly who are a little to quick to jump to your defense (especially when it is not needed). If I didn't give you credit for being an alert, aware, intelligent, and articulate person, I certainly would not bother to post--I hope that you remember how highly I have spoken of your church family from all observances.
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