We love to play cards as a family. We play everything from Spades to Canasta, to Phase Ten, Uno and Hand and Foot. What is your favorite card game?
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
A Loving Husband...
This is way too funny!

A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem . While they were there, the
wife passed away. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000,
or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land , for $150." The man thought about it and told him he
would just have her shipped home.
The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be
wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"
The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the
dead. I just can't take that chance."
This is way too funny!
A man and his ever-nagging wife went on vacation to Jerusalem . While they were there, the
wife passed away. The undertaker told the husband, "You can have her shipped home for $5,000,
or you can bury her here, in the Holy Land , for $150." The man thought about it and told him he
would just have her shipped home.
The undertaker asked, "Why would you spend $5,000 to ship your wife home, when it would be
wonderful to be buried here and you would spend only $150?"
The man replied, "Long ago a man died here, was buried here, and three days later he rose from the
dead. I just can't take that chance."
Monday, January 29, 2007
Pink and Brown
Pink and brown are by far my two favorite colors... I LOVE THEM! Anyway, I am home from work today, not feeling well :( and I decided to give my blog a new look. Do you like it?
Pink and brown are by far my two favorite colors... I LOVE THEM! Anyway, I am home from work today, not feeling well :( and I decided to give my blog a new look. Do you like it?
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Three of my favorite things...
Tonight I had the opportunity to be enjoy three of my favorite things... Jesus and Music and Friends. Tonight I was invited to a "jam session" at a friend's house. Not really knowing what I was getting into, I went. I had a blast. We worked on a favorite worship song of ours. It was great to hear the strong beat of the bass, the electric guitar and the keyboards. I almost didn't want to sing because the music was so beautiful. Whoever it was that said you can't worship God with instruments clearly had never worshipped with the people I praised God with tonight.
It was a great time with friends... the spirit was moving, and God was praised with beautiful music! God is awesome!
Tonight I had the opportunity to be enjoy three of my favorite things... Jesus and Music and Friends. Tonight I was invited to a "jam session" at a friend's house. Not really knowing what I was getting into, I went. I had a blast. We worked on a favorite worship song of ours. It was great to hear the strong beat of the bass, the electric guitar and the keyboards. I almost didn't want to sing because the music was so beautiful. Whoever it was that said you can't worship God with instruments clearly had never worshipped with the people I praised God with tonight.
It was a great time with friends... the spirit was moving, and God was praised with beautiful music! God is awesome!
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Input please....

Alright, so I have a bunch of money that I need to spend on iTunes. See, everyone knows that I love music, and no one ever knows what to buy me for gifts because first of all I don't really need anything, and second of all, I don't really want anything. So, naturally, an iTunes card is a great gift for me!
Now the only problem is that I don't have any idea what to buy. I like ballads generally... I like the sound of Jack Johnson, Casting Crowns, Maroon 5, James Taylor, and John Mayer.
But, I also love Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, Tori Amos and Jennifer Hudson.
So, I am looking for someone new to listen to... NOTHING HARD- what do you suggest?
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

How old is this person?
Please read...
We live in a scary world... protect your children.
Monday, January 22, 2007
Sunday, January 21, 2007
More Random Facts
Elephants are the only animal that can't jump.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
Your stomach develops a new layer of mucus every two weeks so it doesn't digest itself.
Ants do not sleep.
It is illegal in Texas to graffiti another man's cow.
It is illegal in Kentucky to carry ice cream in your back pocket.
Mmmm.... there's an idea... maybe I will post soon about all of the weird things that are illegal.
Anyone have any random facts to share?
Elephants are the only animal that can't jump.
Dolphins sleep with one eye open.
Your stomach develops a new layer of mucus every two weeks so it doesn't digest itself.
Ants do not sleep.
It is illegal in Texas to graffiti another man's cow.
It is illegal in Kentucky to carry ice cream in your back pocket.
Mmmm.... there's an idea... maybe I will post soon about all of the weird things that are illegal.
Anyone have any random facts to share?
Saturday, January 20, 2007
It's Snowing!
Hooray- It's snowing in St. Louis.
The weather man says we could have 5 inches by morning... how much do you really think we will get?
Hooray- It's snowing in St. Louis.
The weather man says we could have 5 inches by morning... how much do you really think we will get?
Friday, January 19, 2007
Let's move on.... shall we?
Let's move on shall we?
We are all excited... It is supposed to snow 3-6 inches here this weekend! Which means we will get a dusting to an inch.
Anyone else out there getting snow and loving it?
Let's move on shall we?
We are all excited... It is supposed to snow 3-6 inches here this weekend! Which means we will get a dusting to an inch.
Anyone else out there getting snow and loving it?
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
American Idol Returns

Which best describes your feelings about American Idol?
A. I love it and can't wait for the next episode.
B. I might pull my hair out if I have to watch one more horrible singer...MAKE IT STOP!
C. It's not my favorite, but I watch it from time to time.
D. (said in my best Simon voice) It is ABSOLUTELY DREADFUL.
E. Other (please explain)
Monday, January 15, 2007

What do Michael McDonald, Wynona, World Series MVP David Eckstein, Trace Adkins, Tom Johnston of the Doobie Brothers, Kevin Pollack, Carlos Reyes, and Tony LaRussa have in common?
Yep, they are all great performers, but that’s not all they have in common. Last night all of these superstars gathered together for the Tony LaRussa's ARF's Stars to the Rescue Gala Fundraiser, which was presented at the Fox Theatre.
It was an awesome evening (although VERY LONG), and a lot of money was raised for the Animal Rescue Foundation. I HIGHLY recommend this benefit if you like animals and/or the St. Louis Cardinals. I am already looking forward to next year!
They wouldn't let us take pictures.... sorry- but here is one of me and Jason as we left the house! I am sure that you'd rather see a picure of the superstars.... sorry.
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I spoke to soon.
BRRRRR..... I spoke too soon.... we lost power last night.... and our home is COLD! It came back on around 12:30 this afternoon..... and we are thankful.... but we are COLD!
Who else lost power?
BRRRRR..... I spoke too soon.... we lost power last night.... and our home is COLD! It came back on around 12:30 this afternoon..... and we are thankful.... but we are COLD!
Who else lost power?
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Random Thoughts
It is Saturday night, and it is cold in St. Louis! At the moment, around 100,000 Ameren customers in our area are without power... thankfully, we aren't one of them. We are warm and safe, and thankful.
Here is what is on my mind tonight... I am baffled by people sometimes. I just don't understand why some people say the things that they say, and do the things that they do. For the life of me, I can't figure out the purpose of why someone would do something that you specifically asked them NOT to do... especially when they have NOTHING to gain by doing it. Do you think that people like stirring the pot because they need people to hear them? Do you think that people act ugly because they need attention, or because they don't know how to be nice? Do you think people say unkind things on their blogs, or in emails, or even face to face because they somehow think that it will make them superior to the person that they are talking about (or to)?
Don't get me wrong. I am guilty of venting, and guilty of saying and doing some things that I shouldn't do. I need to do better. I am not talking about ONE vent session, or even a FEW vent sessions.... I am talking about EVERY DAY negativity. Their words are ugly, their blogs are filled with back biting, slander, and ugliness, their emails are rude, and their attitudes and actions in person are nothing less than unacceptable (based on common sense and cultural norms).
What gives with these people?
It is Saturday night, and it is cold in St. Louis! At the moment, around 100,000 Ameren customers in our area are without power... thankfully, we aren't one of them. We are warm and safe, and thankful.
Here is what is on my mind tonight... I am baffled by people sometimes. I just don't understand why some people say the things that they say, and do the things that they do. For the life of me, I can't figure out the purpose of why someone would do something that you specifically asked them NOT to do... especially when they have NOTHING to gain by doing it. Do you think that people like stirring the pot because they need people to hear them? Do you think that people act ugly because they need attention, or because they don't know how to be nice? Do you think people say unkind things on their blogs, or in emails, or even face to face because they somehow think that it will make them superior to the person that they are talking about (or to)?
Don't get me wrong. I am guilty of venting, and guilty of saying and doing some things that I shouldn't do. I need to do better. I am not talking about ONE vent session, or even a FEW vent sessions.... I am talking about EVERY DAY negativity. Their words are ugly, their blogs are filled with back biting, slander, and ugliness, their emails are rude, and their attitudes and actions in person are nothing less than unacceptable (based on common sense and cultural norms).
What gives with these people?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Answered Prayer- Praise God!
Two missing boys found in Missouri
Boy Scout was missing since Monday; other boy missing since 2002
please read more at www.msnbc.com
Two missing boys found in Missouri
Boy Scout was missing since Monday; other boy missing since 2002
please read more at www.msnbc.com
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Fun facts by Jennifer and Bekah
Here are a few fun facts that the girls shared with me...
1. Grapes explode in the microwave.
2. All polar bears are left handed.
3. Goldfish only have a 3 second memory span.
4. Betsy Ross was the only REAL person PEZ Head.
5. Having 2 pairs of black shoes is neither illegal or immoral.
6. A housefly hums at a low octave F.
7. Penguins can only jump 6 feet.
8. PEEPS (a popular Easter candy) will blow up to 5 times it's original size in the microwave.
9. It is a proven fact that left-handed people typically live 9 years less then right-handers.
10. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
11. There are 3 times more chickens on earth than there are humans!
Do you have any fun facts to share?
Here are a few fun facts that the girls shared with me...
1. Grapes explode in the microwave.
2. All polar bears are left handed.
3. Goldfish only have a 3 second memory span.
4. Betsy Ross was the only REAL person PEZ Head.
5. Having 2 pairs of black shoes is neither illegal or immoral.
6. A housefly hums at a low octave F.
7. Penguins can only jump 6 feet.
8. PEEPS (a popular Easter candy) will blow up to 5 times it's original size in the microwave.
9. It is a proven fact that left-handed people typically live 9 years less then right-handers.
10. In England, the Speaker of the House is not allowed to speak.
11. There are 3 times more chickens on earth than there are humans!
Do you have any fun facts to share?
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Sugar or Salt?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Tell me I am not the only one....
Okay, talk about feeling like an idiot! Today I had a fairly normal work day... meetings, budgets, etc. At three o'clock, I met a friend for a time of encouragement and prayer. At the close of our prayer time, I opened my eyes.... with my head still bowed... and would you believe that I had on two different shoes? GEESH! I guess that tells you how preoccupied I am with a zillion other things other than making sure that I look decent.... or at least have on a matching pair of shoes. Now granted, they were both black heels, and I did in fact have one left shoe and one right shoe.... they just didn't match!
Please tell me I am not the only one who has ever done this!
Okay, talk about feeling like an idiot! Today I had a fairly normal work day... meetings, budgets, etc. At three o'clock, I met a friend for a time of encouragement and prayer. At the close of our prayer time, I opened my eyes.... with my head still bowed... and would you believe that I had on two different shoes? GEESH! I guess that tells you how preoccupied I am with a zillion other things other than making sure that I look decent.... or at least have on a matching pair of shoes. Now granted, they were both black heels, and I did in fact have one left shoe and one right shoe.... they just didn't match!
Please tell me I am not the only one who has ever done this!
Sunday, January 07, 2007
Honors Choir
Our sweet Bekah was selected for Missouri Music Educators Association Honor's Choir, and yesterday was the concert. I was really impressed. They were really good. Here are a few pics...
Our sweet Bekah was selected for Missouri Music Educators Association Honor's Choir, and yesterday was the concert. I was really impressed. They were really good. Here are a few pics...
They aren't the greatest picutes in the world, but it least you can see kind of what it looked like. We are really proud of her- she did a great job. I will try to get a short video on hear so you can here a few seconds of how wonderful they were!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Is this a difficult question?
Please answer the following question. You can take as much time as you need.
How many 6-packs of beer do you need to have 99 bottles of beer on the wall?
(this is NOT a trick question.)
A. Less than 15
B. More than 15
C. Exactly 15
This question was on a new game show called 1 vs. 100. Bekah and I were watching it and were VERY surprised how many people got it wrong.
Is the question hard?
Please answer the following question. You can take as much time as you need.
How many 6-packs of beer do you need to have 99 bottles of beer on the wall?
(this is NOT a trick question.)
A. Less than 15
B. More than 15
C. Exactly 15
This question was on a new game show called 1 vs. 100. Bekah and I were watching it and were VERY surprised how many people got it wrong.
Is the question hard?
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
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