Thursday, December 28, 2006

Agree...or Disagree?

The headline on MSN today reads:

"Saddam to be executed within 48 hours."

Do you agree with the courts ruling that he should be sentenced to death?


Anonymous said...

In many ways, I am opposed to the death penalty, but I think that is more related to how it is used here in the U.S. It is administered very unfairly here and more minorities are sentenced to death than white people, even with comparable crimes.

However, in Saddam's case, the race issue is not at all relevant, so I have no qualms about him being put to death. Unfortunately, the United States helped him once he was in power and supported him for many years, so maybe those in our government should be made to answer for the crimes as well.

Anonymous said...

I think this is a good point. The Poison gas that Hussein used against the Kurds (the crime that he is being executed for) was actually SUPPLIED by the US. So, where does that leave OUR leaders?

The other issue is that the current government of Iraq, being installed by an illegally occupying government, is indeed an illegal government. The US has no sovriegnty in the nation of Iraq, and therefore no authority to arrest an alleged criminal, nor to install a government which would then in turn try, convict, and execute said criminal.

The occupation of Iraq, being based upon falsehoods (of WMD's) has no legal authority (according to OUR laws, or international conventions), and is therefore not an act of democracy, but of tyranny. Any actions resulting from that, even the displacement of a dictator, is a criminal act.

When we compormise the principles of democracy to further our own agaenda, do we not in turn become the bad guys?

Anonymous said...

I agree with 3q on many of his/her points, however I still believe that Saddam should executed.

Anonymous said...

perhaps. . .

but I am not sure that the US military has the jurisdiction to remove him from office, assist in the institution of a replacement government, and hold the cloaks of the executioners ESPECIALLY when they acted in collusion in the crimes that he is being executed for.