Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Davinci Code

There is a lot of buzz about The Davinci Code, especially among Christians. Do you plan to see it? Why or why not?


Jason Harbison said...

I plan on seeing it because it looks very interesting, and it is a movie...fictional

Ed. Tritschler said...

The book is a fictional mystery that kept me in suspense from begining to end. I expect to watch a fictional movie mystery.

Anonymous said...

I Loved the book. Found it to be very thought provoking (yet fictional), However, I will wait for the video

Anonymous said...

didn't read it, but plan to. . .will likewise wait for the movie until video (i hardly EVER go to the theater. . .X men 3 will be my indulgence this year)

Andrea said...

Enjoyed the book, ALWAYS like to see if the movie can live up.

They cast Tom Hanks as the lead, I'm thinking, nope, I'm going to be disappointed.....



sstone said...

I have not read the book. I dont intend to see the movie, but I have to admit hyprocritically that my curiosity is peaked.

On the serious side...I dont believe anything that either intentionally misrepresents(heresy) or trivializes the life of Christ(or Bible for that matter) would please God. I would put Davinci in the trivialized category from what I have read on the book.

When I directed the Mcknight Road camp for kids for a few years, we mentored inner city children who had some storied family/life situations. Many of them in their normal conversations would misuse God's name in its various forms(you know what I mean). Frequently I would stop and ask one of them why are you talking/doing that. Every single time they would say, " I dont know...I dont mean anything by it." I would then tell them, "thats the point". "You used the name of God in a disrespectful way and it had no meaning."

Relating that back to DaVinci Code, regardless of whether its portrayed as fiction/non-fiction, we should be eternally careful how the life of Christ is portrayed, even if it is just nonfiction storytelling for entertainment purposes.

sstone said...

...Meant to say "fictional storytelling" in my last sentence. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

WE plan to see the movie for two reasons. 1 it is fictional and will most likely make a great action movie if the book is transfered well to a movie.
2 it is easier to discuse something with others if you have seen it and know what you are talking about.
Cindy Harris