Monday, May 29, 2006

Barry Bonds- 715

Okay- so Mr. Bonds broke Babe Ruth's all-time home-run record yesterday.

I have 2 questions for you....

1. Does anyone care?

2. Do you believe Barry Bonds took steroids, and that he knew what he was doing when he was doing it?


Ed. Tritschler said...

3- In addition within one year of his start in taking steroids not only did baseball know they covered it up.Bud Selig and cohorts kept the lid on tight for the money and popularity of their sport that his home runs were producing.

Guatorean Daddy said...

Ed hit it right on the head. My feelings are, why waste time and negative energy on Bonds, when we have the absolute best baseballer here in STL!

Anonymous said...

1. Yes, that is very cool. That record has been around a very long time.

2. Not really. I think the biggest problems come from the top. If the environment wouldn't tolerate steroid use, then they wouldn't be so widespread.

There isn't a team in all of MLB that doesn't have steroid use. Everyone should be consistently tested and there shouldn't be any second chances.