Sunday, August 31, 2008
Crazy Week
In other "important" news... Bekah got 8 inches of her hair cut off this week! It is so cute. It really suits her well. She looks "sassy." We will be doing new head shots soon, so I will post pictures when I can.
On another topic....WHEN DID GROCERIES GET SO HIGH? I couldn't believe it today at Dierbergs. It was unreal. Do you really think that things cost that much, or do you think people are taking advantage of us because they think that they can?
I still have not made a decision on a new guitar. I am still looking though. Does anyone out there know any good reasons NOT to buy a used guitar?
Finally, I am so sad about the hurricane situation. How much can one city take? I pray that more people got out this time, and more help will be available. I guess all we can do now is pray.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
I want...
Should I.... or shouldn't I- that is the question.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
I'd like to register a complaint!
There surely must be an easy way to play that chord!!
I am going to keep trying until I get it right!
Am I the only guitar palyer who finds this chord so hard??
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Unfortunate Circumstances
It’s really not all that dramatic, nor is it all that complicated. The long and short of it is this:
Since shortly before Brian’s “resignation” something didn’t feel quite right but I was pretty clueless about what was happening. This time was filled and surrounded by miscommunications, unwillingness to communicate openly, predetermined “beliefs,” assumptions, and a great deal of difficulty. These difficulties ultimately led to my “resignation” as well. The assumptions and unwillingness to communicate openly were very hurtful to me, and despite my efforts for resolution, I found myself ousted (for lack of a better word).
As time progressed, the bitterness and anger that I have felt have increased a great deal. In many ways, I have felt like it didn’t matter if I was part of that family or not, so it was easy to stay away.
I have sought the help of church leaders who were not involved with the situation. Unfortunately, my request has been met with a counter offer of an original meeting that would include those whom I feel purposely set out to not only hurt me, but to tear me down, judge my character, and bully me. I have felt the need to meet with those whom I believe can help to mend fences and clear the air. At this point, that has not been an option of possibility. So, I have worked hard to let go, and although I continue to struggle, I have come a LONG way in my part of healing this situation and learning to forgive those who have hurt me.
So, I appreciate all of your emails, and your questions. Please understand that it would not be appropriate for me to say any more than I already have. Also, please understand that just because of this “fall out” I remain committed to my walk with God, as I have never left Him (contrary to popular belief).
I miss many of you, but still pray for you, think about you, read your blogs (hehehe) and wonder how you are. I will continue to pray about all of this, and I would appreciate your prayers as well. God is good, and if it is supposed to work out, it will.
Love, Hugs, and Prayers to all.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Dead Beat Dads
I've written several times here about being an Olympic junkie. Michael Phelps is among my favorites. As I have watched him make history, I have been touched by his mother's presence and support. At the same time, like many other viewers, I have wondered.... WHERE IS DAD?
Today, I read an article about dear old Daddy Phelps. Here is what I learned...
- mom and dad divorced when Michael was about 9
- dad wouldn't support Michael's desire to swim because swimming is a "girl" sport
- he has chosen not to be active in his son's life
- although he is aware of his son making history in the pool- HE HAS NOT EVEN CALLED TO CONGRATULATE HIM!
WHAT? I just don't get it. Even he and mom hate each other with a passion- He should have been there for his son. He should have been there when he made history, and he should have been there to apologize for not supporting him.
Maybe Daddy Phelps couldn't afford to go, or maybe he has health problems that kept him from traveling... okay.... would it have been so hard to pick up the phone or send an email, and say the words that surely Michael would want to hear? "I am proud of you son."
Here is what I think:
Michael is better off without Dear Old Daddy Phelps.
Parents (mothers AND fathers) should support their kids... it doesn't matter if YOU think swimming is a "girl" sport! It matters what your CHILD wants to do with HIS LIFE-
OH- I just HATE dead beat dads... (and moms too.... but that is another story for another day)
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
- too many late nights of olympic gymnastics makes for a very tired mommy!
- bekah is going to be teaching a theatre program in public schools!!!
- i am really missing a few people who are obviously missing in my life right now
- i am glad i am blogging again
- it is almost time for trivia night at the Kemp Auto Museum- wanna come?
- i need a haircut
- i am hoping to hire a membership director soon
- arrogant people bother me..... even if they ARE olympians
- things are very rarely what they seem
- i may take a day off of work soon, and sleep ALL DAY
- bekah's knee is still not better
- i am too tired to combine all of these sentences into a paragraph
- i hope you are having a good day...evening... night.
- early to bed for me tonight... goodnight.
Monday, August 18, 2008
"Ursula" steals the show!
If you missed it, you missed one of the best performances in Saint Louis this summer! Congratulations to Bekah and the rest of the cast and crew of Bye Bye Byrdie!
I just don't get it...
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Awesome Picture

Saturday, August 16, 2008
Plays, School, Award, and Birthday!
School starts Monday. It is hard to believe that Bekah will be a sophomore. Her schedule is pretty intense, but she insists on packing it pretty tightly with the things that are important to her (like AP Euro-!!!!). I am sure that she will do well, I just wish that she wouldn't take on so much. Of course with the knee injury, she will not take dance for this semester (which saves us a ton of money), so that will be one less thing on her plate.
Jennifer is still working at the Y, and doing fairly well. She is experiencing some growing pains, but as we all remember, 19 is a tough age.
Jason is working hard and keeping busy with all of the things that he loves- so he is about the same.
Oh yeah- I got an award this week. It is the "NEVER SAY NO AWARD." It said, "The Mid-County Family YMCA is proud to present Conni Hxxxxxxx with the Never Say No Award for her tireless efforts and committment to excellence in all that she does, all of the time, for everyone!" It made me laugh... but then it made me think- Maybe I should learn to say no once in a while, and let people learn to do some things for themselves? But, at the same time, I love to help others, I love to serve... so I don't mind being known as the "lady who is always willing to help others."
Well, it is tie to head back to the TV to watch the Olympics. I absolutely LOVE watching them!
One more thing.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON.... I hope you like the iPod Touch!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
2. Saying goodbye to a good friend is hard to do, but planning a goodbye party is fun!
3. 4 cases of beer and 24 bottles of wine make for a very heavy load!
4. Chatter is sometimes irritating.
5. Michael Phelps is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G
6. Rules/Policies are needed- but some are stupid, and I hate enforcing them.
7. I won an award today at work... it is somewhat humerous- I'll write about that tomorrow.
8. It's too late to eat a snack- but I am hungry.
9. Focus Groups are awesome... especially when they pay you a good amount of money to give your opinion!
10. Things are not always as they seem- so look carefully.
11. I am tired, and it is time for bed!
12. Goodnight.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Calling all Olympic Junkies
Is there anyone else out there holding thier breath as Michael Phelps swims, hoping and praying that he wins 8 gold medals?
Does anyone else have any speculation about the ages of the Chinese women's gymnastic team?
I love the Olympics! Is anyone else out there an Olympic Junkie? What is your favorite event?
(come on... admit it... we're all friends here!)
Thursday, August 07, 2008
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
BAD NEWS: Strained MCL and Severe Bone Contusion were evident on the MRI
WHAT IT MEANS: No surgery, No dancing. It will heal on its own in as little as 4 weeks or as much as 6-8 months! (geez!)
Bekah is happy that she won't need surgery and sad that she won't be dancing in her show next week... but happy that God blessed her with a set of pipes that makes the director want to keep her in the show instead of replace her with her understudy! So, the show is being reblocked as we speak!
We are thankful!!
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
I seriously have the coolest job EVER!
Monday, August 04, 2008
So what is new in my world? Here are a few things you may not know...
1. I LOVE MY JOB- more on that later.
2. My sweet daughter has an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow. Can you say "torn MCL and torn Meniscus?"
3. Jason works too much! Wait... am I the pot or the kettle?
4. Jen is as crazy and fun as ever.
5. God remains faithful and loves me even when I am hard to love.
6. Bekah has a lead role in Bye-Bye Birdie
Here are a few things on my mind that you probably do know, but I am going to remind you anyway.
1. If you are reading this blog, chances are good that I still think about you, read your blog, and/or pray for you everyday. I can't name everyone here, but there a few things that simply must be said..... a.) I miss you very much a. (you know who you are). b.) Becky, your daughter is beautiful, and I love seeing her pictures on your blog. c.)MAR/DJR, your absense is painful. d.) to my buddy EC, could your family be anymore wonderful and beautiful? You are so blessed and I am so happy for you! e.)everyone else... I hope you know my feelings for you.
2. I still really despise judgemental/ know-it-all people.
3. Grace and Mercy are the only way to go.
4. I still am all about music. (guess what? I bought a guitar, and can even play it.)
5. I believe whole-heartedly in the love and compassion that exists between those with like beliefs.
I have so much to share now that I am back, but I don't think I shoul bombard you all with a 14 page blog, so we will go slow.
I will likely be updating the look of my page soon... please let me know what you think.
As always, I like to people thinking... so, here is the question of the day...
Suppose you know that Jesus is coming back tomorrow (yes, I know, we CAN"T know that, but suppose that we do). What dessert will you choose after dinner tonight, knowing it will be your last?
Lots of Love to all... until next time... ch